Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 3 more pple for raid Fresh run No experience needed
I have daughters check point, this is the farthest I've gotten. Just want to finally finish the raid. Msg me on live if you want to help or have a group.
(xbox one) fresh raid on normal. looking for 5 290+ msg Darkangel10394
Lfg on ps4, kings fall normal fresh, 296 nightstalker hunter, I know what to do up til golgoroth, I do have mic.
308 warlock looking to join at totems have some exp all the way to sisters.. Just need a chill team to teach me the right way.. Invite jacerywa_mcwill
At golgoroth need 4 more players -must be expirenced -must be a 295+ If you have all these requirements, Msg: Endergamer26 for an invite
Ll 296 titan looking to do normal raid for first time. Psn is Khapel42
Lfg Ive done it a handful of times. Im looking to do it for the first time with my warlock.
300 warlock if someone needs help
Anyone willing to help a 297 titan with the Raid? Xbox 1 send me a message if you wanna help.
I have experience up to gologorth, dont care if you have experience or not. I just want to do the raid. msg on 360.
Anyone keen to help me do the raid for the first time?? C'mon you people i swear this community gives zero -blam!-s for first timers
305 warlock with sisters cp. need 5 for normal difficulty. Msg gt above for inv
291 lock looking for run, plently of raid Exp from past raids
307 warlock Looking to join a team doing Golgoroth NORMAL send invite GT: COBRA GTR 88
Titan 295 available for normal raid. Quite new in raid but quick learner and familiar with the strategy. Contact me on my PSN id: kortex.
PS4, have done daughters and sisters and watched videos on all other fights. 297 warlock, holla at me
Add theshredder23 for fresh run ps4
need one more for fresh run have good sniper please
Edited by Menacing_Snail: 11/4/2015 2:59:00 PMI'll put this bluntly I have only done vault of glass a couple of times and none of the other raids my PSN is Menacing_Snail and I'm on PS4 if anyone can help it'd be much appreciated as everyone else is wanting experienced players only and it's hard to get experience when no one will take you haha I'm warlock light lvl 288
294 Warlock here. Only recently got back into Destiny and would like a crack at Oryx. PSN: Sc0tty__D0o0
Looking for invite to a fireteam for fresh run on Kings Fall. Warlock, Light 298, have gotten up to War Priest so far, still learning Xbox One Gamer tag : gh0stcivic (that's a zero not letter O) Thanks
Looking for a group to do hard mode for the first time, 302 warlock but can hold my own. add me
Need 2 for oryx (hard) 310+ light if possible msg me
311 warlock will take any 290+ through the raid message on xbox 1 for inv