Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
XBOX ONE 292 warlock looking for a smart group! Haven't cleared before but can carry more than my weight when it comes to playing. Fast learner. GT: Akinsxkillin
Looking for oryx checkpoint. Never beat it before
Looking for a raid team to do oryx cp and willing to take the time and explain what to do this is my first time doing oryx to completion
Edited by machomanflexin: 10/13/2015 2:37:28 AM297 hunter and 290 Titan never done raid but have black spindle and sleeper looking for group to do the raid with.. Inv machomanflexin and/or FISTapocalypse
295 warlock, I'm looking to find some raiding budies. Xbox one gamer tag and I have/use a mic.
297 hunter trying to do kings fall haven't done that yet I have a mic 360 Gt is n7ghost120
Golgoroth cp need 1 more. Message uT00ez on xbox one.
Need 4 at Oryx. 299 hunter and 298 warlock with sleeper stimulant.
Need 4 for fresh start message marz2013 for inv
294 Hunter xbox one GT: A11nattyful
297 hunter looking for group to help with golgorth. I have cp. First time trying this. Need 4 more ppl ps4. Add me hessboy thanks!!!
Light 292 Warlock Some experience. Psn stayeager Invite me!
290 warlock I have a little experience but I've only gone as far as totems invite please GT same as above
Looking for a raid group? Not much experience? Low Light? No worries! If you come check out my channel me and my team will help you through starting as low as 260 light! Come check it out, you wont regret it! http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners
Invite! Gt: JohnnyRagesAlot Light: 290 Class: Warlock
Edited by Shamrock_80: 10/13/2015 2:25:24 AMI haven't done this raid before and I'm looking to learn. I have totems cp and I'm a 290 titan and I'm a quick learner I have watched a few videos so i have a general understanding bit I will still need someone to teach me. Ps4 psn Above
Need 4 more for oryx cp, message for inv
Looking for a raid group? Not much experience? Low Light? No worries! If you come check out my channel me and my team will help you through starting as low as 260 light! Come check it out, you wont regret it! http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners
At daughters cp. need 5. Add and join
Looking for daughters cp. Have some experience in this part
290 Warlock looking to kill Oryx / check point before reset! invite cosmote06 XBOX ONE
I'm at oryx cp. I know the fight, but I didn't beat him. I was the floater. So if you need someone for that role let me know. Ps4 tfkdude89
Edited by dekclangaming: 10/13/2015 2:12:12 AM295 warlock. Looking for fresh run. First time KF. Have mic. GT same as above. Xbox One
Looking for a raid group? Not much experience? Low Light? No worries! If you come check out my channel me and my team will help you through starting as low as 260 light! Come check it out, you wont regret it! http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners
Need one more, at oryx checkpoint, anyone welcomed!! Message xlZer0l for invite
Edited by Shinka707: 10/13/2015 2:04:09 AM297 titan looking for kings fall. PS4 Have 300 sniper First time so appreciate anyone who is willing to teach encounters Psn - shinka707