Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Firt time for Kings Fall raid, u can see my equipment and see if im fit for it, im on ps4 Llanx_7up thanks fot he post BTW!
Need one more for totems 305 titan helping some first timers
Trying to join a group and finish the raid for the first time. Got as far as after the ogre. Gt lastnameham on Xbox one
Edited by Dauntless: 10/13/2015 1:05:21 AM295 warlock just got to gorg checkpoint but wouldn't mind going at it again from the start. Xbox 1, gamertag same as username. :) Edit: scrap that. I'm going to bed. If anyone wants to do one message me I'll be online tomorrow. Edit 2: I'm not offering to teach people, we'd end up doing it for 7 hours or so if that was the case. Just making it clear, I know what I'm doing on the first 3 bosses, the rest is about 50% mystery.
Looking for a raid group? Not much experience? Low Light? No worries! If you come check out my channel me and my team will help you through starting as low as 260 light! Come check it out, you wont regret it! http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners
Edited by Aveng3d 69: 10/13/2015 1:26:43 AMLooking to finish the raid I have the orge cp if needed gt is name lvl 40 warlock 292 light Xbox one
Edited by Sarbecue Bause: 10/13/2015 1:26:16 AMOryx CP, Xbox One need 5 Need to be done tonight, have surgery in 2 days Thanks Message AdenGamer13 298 light
Looking for a raid group? Not much experience? Low Light? No worries! If you come check out my channel me and my team will help you through starting as low as 260 light! Come check it out, you wont regret it! http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners
PS4 Light 299 titan, looking to join a group preferably a fresh start, I somewhat know the mechanics but mentoring is needed. Add datwunboi368
Lfg for oryx raid fresh lvl 292 gt grimm tnp. First time
Anyone have an oryx cp?
need 5 for totems add xp_o_w_e_r_a_d_e (ps4)
look for a team at oryx. 301 warlock, same gt
Need four more, at oryx checkpoint. Message xlZer0l
Looking to take friend through first run message R0B0 HIP (0s are zeros) for invite
290 hunter lfg have oryx cp gt same as above
291 warlock. Experienced. Golg cp. invite at GT: KID KRUZADER
[b]*Posting for a 298 friend*[/b] He can run or kill adds. He has Blk Spin & ToM He is looking for Oryx CP. His GT is SagedPhoenix [b]**please msg him not me**[/b]
Im looking to try the raid. Hunter @ 296 light Message gt KNIGHT0HELLSING
http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners Looking For an experienced raid group? Tired of playing with people who dont know what to do? My raid team will help anyone and everyone complete the Kings Fall Raid! No experience Needed. 260 Light Minimum. All you have to do is come check out my twitch and ill return you the favor by helping! Lets get these free rewards!
Edited by Boocahkeee: 10/13/2015 12:51:15 AMTitan 296, looking for fresh run, Xbox one, GT: boohcahkee just msg or invite
Edited by Bryllic: 10/13/2015 12:50:25 AM295 Hunter at cp before warpriest. Looking to join a group GT ATB financial Xbox one
http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners Looking For an experienced raid group? Tired of playing with people who dont know what to do? My raid team will help anyone and everyone complete the Kings Fall Raid! No experience Needed. 260 Light Minimum. All you have to do is come check out my twitch and ill return you the favor by helping! Lets get these free rewards!
307 Stormcaller willing to teach/help new teams with all fights and platforming.
Need 2 for fresh start
*Posting for a 298 friend* He can run or kill adds. He has Blk Spin & ToM He is looking for Oryx CP. His GT is SagedPhoenix