Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
*Posting for a 298 friend* He can run or kill adds. He has Blk Spin & ToM He is looking for Oryx CP. His GT is SagedPhoenix
Im a 292 Hunter Im 25 yrs old so u dnt need to wrry bout annoying, squeaky voices Never done raid Good to follow advice Your_Buu
Add and invite Tuck-8_AKA-God_8 plz!! 295 light up for anything would love to do kings raid
Looking to join a fireteam todo the kings fall raid im a 294 warlock have done first part of raid up to the warpriest only but im pretty good been playing since day one add me asap.... Sir_wrensin
looking for 3 more to do golgorath checkpoint message for invite GT:TrueSeeker93
http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners Looking For an experienced raid group? Tired of playing with people who dont know what to do? My raid team will help anyone and everyone complete the Kings Fall Raid! No experience Needed. 260 Light Minimum. All you have to do is come check out my twitch and ill return you the favor by helping! Lets get these free rewards!
*Posting for a 298 friend* He can run or kill adds. He has Blk Spin & ToM He has sisters CP needs 4. His GT is SagedPhonix
*Posting for a 298 friend* He can run or kill adds. He has sisters CP needs 4. His GT is SagedPhonix
Need two for raid, at war priest. Xbox one
290 hunter lfg have oryx cp gt deadmeat 18
Looking to join a fireteam todo the kings fall raid im a 294 warlock have done first part of raid up to the warsinger only but im excprenced been playing since day one add me asap.... Sir_wrensin
http://www.twitch.tv/calebsumners Looking For an experienced raid group? Tired of playing with people who dont know what to do? My raid team will help anyone and everyone complete the Kings Fall Raid! No experience Needed. 260 Light Minimum. All you have to do is come check out my twitch and ill return you the favor by helping! Lets get these free rewards!
*Posting for a friend* He has sisters CP needs 4. His GT is SagedPhonix
296 Titan wanting to learn Xbox one GT Heavyarms29
Looking for a fresh raid start so if tgerevis a team that can pick me up I would like tgatvi am a 299 lite gt as shown!!!!!
Need 2 more for fresh, xbox one, no exp required
lvl 295 warlock looking to do raid for first time cp^
[quote]- Kings Fall Oryx CP - I need people to help me with the raid. It's my first time killing oryx - Message gt above[/quote]
298 hunter looking to do fresh run and help people out invite me GT:TrueSeeker93
Edited by akinsxkillin: 10/13/2015 12:16:52 AMWould love to give it a go before the checkpoint restarts tomorrow. I'm an experienced player and have cleared all raids prior on heroic usually right when heroic mode came out. Light is 292 & have a mic. {& xbox one}-edit GT: akinsxkillin
I want to do a Kings Fall raid on XBoxOne I am a warlock 294 light with a mic and my GT is WidestDegree this is my first KingsFall raid so help is appreciated
- Kings Fall Oryx CP - I need people to help me with the raid. It's my first time with Oryx. - Please be experienced - Be 290+ - Message gt above
Looking for daughters cp. 297 warlock. Send inv to gt: xx Ms Duppy xx
Looking for daughters cp. 297 warlock. Send inv to gt: xx Ms Duppy xx
fresh kings fall light lvl 295 titan on xbox 360 ms for invite
I have sisters cp need a group of 5 if anyone is interested add manguti23 and join up