Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
I have sisters cp need a group of 5 if anyone is interested add manguti23 and join up
Hey need 2 that need to also complete fear's embrace mission message or comment if down no mic tho
Fresh run 292 hunter have killed oryx on my titan Also have touch of malice Just looking for five others that wanna beat him and get fragments PS4 add above
need four at sisters we havent beat it yet so any help is appreciated add angelgarrido84
292 light looking for fresh run
290 Titan with all classes looking for a group to show me through the raid, message or invite GT:basedfapzzz
299 warlock looking for sisters check point add gt above
Gt: JohnnyRagesAlot Light: 290
Have oryx cp 290 hunter gt deadmeat 18
Have daughters cp first time have two WeAkSaUcE0517
Looking for help on first time run. 295 character
Need 1 at daughters GT same
301 warlock at golgoroth checkpoint I know what im doing GT: TrueSeeker93
NEVER RAN THE RAID, BUT SEEN GUIDES ON HOW TO DO IT Light 295 warlock and ready to learn! Add mr_mangaser
Light 291 Warlock with Sleeper & with a 284 / 283 Sniper Rifle, looking for a shot at Kings Fall have no experience, ps4 - Gamer2k1
Looking to join a team for kings raid. I'm a lv 40 hunter with light of 290 GT is MJOLNIR MK V invite me?
Edited by BoltHDZ71: 10/12/2015 11:50:48 PM298 warlock looking to start from golroth on add run_that_bolt ps3
300 hunter looking for raid team to join attempted but never completed need two CF to get TOM gt nsbeatzent302 psn
Have oryx cp need 5 to finish Ps4
Titan Lvl 293 new to this run looking to join a fire team ft StormsEdge
Looking for a first time raid group to show me what to do so i'll no longer be a noob. 293 warlock
Hunter 297, first time, xb1, invite duhast3466
PS4 first time raider 293 warlock Marthdev
Any team want to pick up a noob hunter with a light level of 296 then add ddrj4 on psn
291 light hunter lf Kings Fall group First time, but fast learner. Msg GT above
quote][quote]Need a patient team I have a oryx checkpoint but I never killed him before really good at listening and can learn fast my gt is Mr Mayhem II[/quote][/quote]