Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
XBOX 1 Warlock 294 looking for golgorath CP Gt:jermgibbo
Edited by Tax Evasion: 10/12/2015 11:09:08 PMNeed 1 for Daughters of Oryx 295+ PSN: Dominator4SP
Warlock looking to join a fresh run gone up to golgoroth. Light295 ps4 don't have mic but I could listen
Need a raid team that is starting fresh
Psn:treyarch119 on ps3 need help on learning how to do entire kings fall raid.....thx
Looking for experienced(ish) group to show me the ropes of the raid. 293 warlock PSN: Marthdev
Looking to do fresh run. Only been up to the sisters. Add me. Dgljr 298 Hunter
Need 5 players as I have the last checkpoint message me for invite :) Marshie90
PS3 looking for 5, add Pillowfrisbee lvl 294 Titan
Two with sisters cp. We have some exp. Gt is above
291 light hunter and 291 light warlock looking to do Kings Fall Msg GT above
Hey I have the daughters checkpoint, but i dont know what to do. Im looking for 5 people to help out. Just add me Errie-O.
Need 5 for sisters check point 295+ plus of possible please and experienced if possible s well if not nany one welcomed message lxl T R I X lxl for inv
298 hunter looking for daughters cp
294 hunter. need 3 for fresh TK run. msg for inv
290 experienced Titan have raid emblem and plenty of exotics. looking for golgoroth cp, gt is same as display.
Level 303 titan with fully upgraded touch of malice Gt: SmartINFAMOUS
At the totems need 1 add codenamezeus and join
291-292 warlock w/ Oryx CP
Need 2 for fresh Gt same as above
304 and 296 hunter. Looking to join a fresh raid. We have only made it to the sisters before, but we looked up video on what to do. May take use a few attempts to get it down. So don't invite if you're gonna rage over to failed attempts. Anyway invite paralyzedsoul.
(Xboxone) looking for 4 293+ must have pretty good snipers and it must be the first time u do the raid I am 305 hunter looking to help out and very experienced gt is same as above
Need a relic holder at oryx Please be 295 or better Have a mic and experienced Message me online Gt same as above The o in johnny is a zero
Need 1 more for fresh raid. Ps4 add nate_dogg73
(Xboxone) looking for 4 293+ must have pretty good snipers and it must be the first time u do the raid I am 305 hunter looking to help out and very experienced gt is same as above