Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
(Xboxone) looking for 4 293+ must have pretty good snipers and it must be the first time u do the raid I am 305 hunter looking to help out and very experienced gt is same as above
Need inv 290 warlock did some parts of raid gt headshotlid
298 warlock know what to do up till warpriest. Xboxone ngstahl
Could someone could let me in a cp where you can get armor? GT: Castle Crash3r8
Hunter, 297, first time.... Invite duhast3466
Anyone invite me to a fresh game plz walk me thru it. I know the first part
Need 1more 295+ only and must know what to do. Fresh run mess me gt the same
Im looking 4 a full team of 4. I'm helping my wife do the raid 4 the 1st time. I've beat it buyt she's never played. I need a few good players to start a fresh run. Psn RiderM2K.
Edited by HTXKYNG: 10/12/2015 10:10:20 PMXb1 Gt htxkyng I need a team for sisters cp
Need 1more 295+ only and must know what to do. Fresh run mess me gt the same
Need 1 golgoroth cp add dale1602
Need three more, at basilica, finishing the rest after this. Msg me, Xbox one, GT: boohcahkee
Looking for 1 oryx check point
Need to join WARPRIEST CHECKPOINT Xbox one 295
Xbox one 290 warlock all subclasses Invite GhastlyPack for fresh run
Need 2 @golgoroth cp add dale1602
I'm interested in doing the raid it's getting very boring playing this game by myself add xLIQUIDINSANITY on ps4 I have a 291 Titan but unfortunately I only have the striker sub class maxed sry if that makes things difficult
295 hunter looking to finish raid for the first time at oryx cp plz help
304 warlock looking to help ppl in need I'm friendly and have beaten the raid like 6 times I also have Touch of Malice Msg me GT: BendyTheStraw
Need a team got golgoroth cp I just want to get this raid done im on my first run of this raid so some XP would be great but not essential add dale1602 psn
Edited by Hippo Storm : 10/12/2015 9:58:47 PMNeed two... fresh run.... xb1
298 titan. Have done the raid once up to oryx
294 light Warlock, I have a mic, looking for a first run through at Kings Fall GT: WidestDegree please invite me
First Kings fall raid Lvl 290 Hunter GT: Beefla
Looking for a fresh run lvl 294 Titan first time doing this raid
Looking for daughters cp. 297 warlock. Send inv to gt: xx Ms Duppy xx