Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking for daughters cp. 297 warlock. Send inv to gt: xx Ms Duppy xx
287 titan, my third character looking for a fresh run. inv DaFlaminSnowMan
One 4 sisters cp 290+. Add gt above
Need four for sisters cp. we are new... message- a saint soldier on xboxone
295 Warlock Looking to join at Warpriest XBOX ONE
looking for fresh raid send invite gt is same lvl 286 with mic
Need one for Sisters CP Msg B007Y P1P3 on xbox one
TEAM OF 4 ready to go! need 2 more, don't care if experienced or not, message cosmote06 xbox one
295 Titan looking to complete the raid for the first time I've got up to the oryx checkpoint Invite Nathan 122 on Xbox one
Warlock. PS3. Got golgoroth checkpoint. Just pleas know what to do
300 warlock looking to help honestly I'm just bored beaten it dozens of times ... touch of mails kills sisters really easy
Need a fresh raid, Mic partially broken (Hear everyone but speak only sometimes). Never done it before XB1 Demon0fangels Inv please and thanks. ;)
Lvl 302 Titan looking for warpriest cp add vxvJOkERvxv
Edited by THURMANATOR544: 10/12/2015 9:41:09 PMLight lvl 283 Hunter looking for Kings Fall Raid later tonight, First time running at all so would appreciate a teaching team of sort. add psn below and shoot me a message PSN: THURMANATOR544
Need ppl for sisters msg name above[
Level 291 looking for first time run
297 light titan with mic. Looking for fresh run on xbox1. Gt same as above.
looking for fresh raid send invite gt is same -xbox1
301 warlock haven't completed the raid yet, at sisters cp need 5
light lvl 291 hunter looking for people to do fresh kings fall
Need 3 more for fresh raid. Some experience needed. 2 people in our party have some experience and 1 person has none
Looking for fresh raid psn officerNasty_69
looking for fresh raid send invite gt is same
Looking for fresh run 295 hunter xbox1, send invite
Busco grupo para raid desde el principio Hechicero 296 luz
looking for fresh raid send invite gt is same -xbox1