Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
looking for fresh raid send invite gt is same -xbox1
Titan 298 with experience up to warpriest almost none with golgoroth and Oryx but have done the sisters. Have a Mic. On ps3 Add Saber0D
Edited by ramrod2306: 10/12/2015 9:33:38 PMRamrod2306 (ps4) I'm wanting to start raiding I'm a hunter 273 light.... Cheers
Need 4 for Golgoroths Cellar PS4 290 and up Add Dominator4SP
Need two morw for first fresh run, never beaten the raid, but two of us know what we're doing message GT: The Navajo96 for invite.
XBOX ONE Warlock looking for fresh raid, message or invite cosmote06
Need 5 for oryx on PS4, must be level 290+ and know what your doing. add fallenpredator8
Look for warpriest cp no experience with raid but know how to kill him level 298 warlock on xboxone gt: ngstahl
Edited by Tax Evasion: 10/12/2015 9:26:39 PMNeed 4 for golgoroths cellar PSN: Dominator4SP
Looking for a fresh raid for me and my buddy. I have some experience with raid. Add nate_dogg73
looking for fresh raid gt is same send invite xbox1
PS4 Golgoraths cellar Need one more ADD Dominator4SP
Looking for raids/ anything else. [Xbox One] GT: deth lizard 236 light
Oryx CP GT is above Xbox one Need 2
looking for fresh raid gt is same
Oryx CP GT is above Xbox one Need 2
Only need one more must be 290+
298/299 looking for fresh on ps4 Add AltairRules
Need 295+ light for oryx cp have to have experience and mic
293 Hunter looking for fresh run. Gt ssaka1224.
looking for fresh raid gt is same -xbox1
At oryx. Need 2 with experience to help us beat him
At sisters cp. Need 2. 1 Experienced, 3 done this bit but not oryx. PS4 Townsy
Edited by rcravey: 10/12/2015 9:09:31 PM290 Titan Have gone up to Golgoroth PS4
Edited by M45K3D Ki113R: 10/12/2015 9:08:34 PMOn the boss fight message me for invite light lvl 295+ message at M45K3D Ki113R
Ps4, 296 hunter, Add: theflashtank