Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Ps4, 296 hunter, Add: theflashtank
Edited by The BAD Habat: 10/12/2015 9:11:26 PM293 Titan. Never did the new raid. Have mic and listen to what I need to do. Looking for group to teach me the new raid. GT same as name. Xbox one
Warlock 290 looking for first run / fresh run! XBOX ONE, cosmote06
Oryx CP Have yet to beat oryx If someone who has done could help that would be great GT is above Xbox one Need 5
296 warlock looking to join oryx gt same as above
Looking for three guardians for golgoroth on xbox one message Rebelchimpster for invite
Hunter is looking for Group for fresh run Add CE_4194
(PS4) 297 Hunter LF fresh run Add:ConnorFast I have mic
Edited by FiddledGhost: 10/12/2015 8:57:57 PMI'm looking for a team of experienced guardians for King's fall. Must be above 295. This is my first time. Add me on PS4: FiddledGhost
292 [i]unexperienced[/i] warlock looking for fresh normal run. I can follow directions. Gt same (Xbox One)
296 titan looking for fresh run And this will be my first time
296 warlock looking to join oryx. Haven't beat it yet would appreciate the help cadeames928
1 more needed for sisters. Ps4. Add Ratherwin
3 at daughters need three more message name above
Edited by MR JUJUBE: 10/12/2015 8:50:34 PMlooking for a fresh run level 295 hunter GT : MR JUJUBE xbox one
Got daughters cp. Need 2 with experience to help us finish raid
Freshrun Lvl.291 have done this before (If needed ill switch to 305 for oryx)
Need 2 for oryx. None of us have completed it so it'll be put first completion. Please have alil experience or know what ur doing
Lukeee_93 Just got to the sisters for the first time and need a new fire team, add me for an invite if you're down
296 Titan, look in to do the raid for the first time. Xbox one GT: boohcahkee
Have oryx CP Most people just leave need some good firepower I would like to learn also My light is 297 Hunter Xbox one GT is above
Fresh run 2 first timers exp people preferred. Need 4 message zmeya 000 for invite
292 titan looking for fresh run add adicts_fan on ps4
[PS4] 295 Titan looking to do a fresh run! I'll be my first time,but I already watched some videos :/
3 needed for sisters. Ps4. Add Ratherwin
Looking to end Oryx tonight around 1015 pm central time, 298 warlock, first time beating him but know what to do, message me on here if willing to help