Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 3 for golgoroth cp, mic and manners appreciated, light 295+ all classes, okay if haven't beaten before, we have experience in group already
Looking for fresh raid run XBOX 1. GT: Spartakus16
Need one for daughters checkpoint psn-Page2210
DestinySlayer75 Xbox1 280 light I only want a fire team for nightfall not kings fall. Please add me. I don't have a fire team so I have not done a raid, Poe higher than 28 or a nightfall. U.S. Central time zone.
Need 3 for golgoroth message mrch0riso looking for players who still haven't killed it
Never done the raid. 296 hunter. Gt wavywest
292 Hunter looking for fresh start. GT: Ssaka1224
Looking for a team to help me with Fresh Kings Fall. Im only 262 light, but I'm good.
looking for fresh raid gt is same -xbox1
Lvl 295 Titan been up to the golgoroth cp invite me
Need 3 for King's Fall fresh run. Never done it before. Add Leonidas1110 PS4
296, Need 5 more At ORYX CP Need Relic Holder Please be 296 plus Gt same as above The O in Johnny is a zero
X1, duhast3466, 297 hunter, first time
Raid newbie, but seen my BF do it a few times. 295 light. Xbox 1, GT is same as username. Don't shout at me if I die. :)
looking for fresh raid gt is same - xbox1
First time doing raid need help 285 hunter
Hay.. looking for fresh start... only done bits looking for the dull show...
Looking for fresh RAID 295 warlock ps4 german
Need 4 for oryx cp lv 297 Titan add soreilly90. I'm on ps4
Anyone needs help hmu I am a 297 lite gt as shown!!!!!
cp on oryx need help in a party of 2
Need 4 more for oryx. First time add soreilly90.
looking for fresh raid xbox1 gt is same
196 Titan looking for team to do the raid I've done everything but oryx message me
297 hunter, never done raid... Looking for help. Message duhast3466. Thanks
Help me with this nightfall gamertag X1 JeremeJay