Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need two more for fresh run kings fall add jwertz
Edited by wentworth27: 10/12/2015 2:46:01 PMLevel 278 warlock needing team for first time kings fall raid. Xbox one
3 needed for raid on ps4. Add Ratherwin
283 warlock looking for raid first time send invite gt is same xbox1
I have a checkpoint at the war priest. Trying to complete raid for first time. Need 5. Psn-Page2210
Need 5 at golgareth I have cp I will inv u as soon as you message me my gt is Gabe greatman
Need 5 MUST HAVE A MAXED GHORN IT IS SUPPER GOOD you must also be 310 light with the old 9-0 trails emblem. We will and must play a game of rift so i can test your skills but if you dont have a 10 plus kd your out. You also have to have AT LEAST a million dollars on hand to transfer to bungie for our own dedicated sever. But wait there is more you must also be a male with blond hair and blue eyes no matter what. When i say blond i mean it. Your balls also have to be dropped so you do not sound like a 10 year old boy. If yoy meet all these requirements than you have one more thing to do you have to get 7th column in skirmish also getting a phantom and a we ran out of metals. You then have to submit the clip to planet destiny and win play of the month... Only then you can join my raid team
Warlock with 294 light looking to try fair for the first time add ONIN3311
295 warlock looking to raid first time. Gt Juggaboo
Looking for 290+ for the raid add beastinstorPS ps4
Edited by Demonbane95: 10/12/2015 2:26:48 PM283 warlock looking for fresh raid first time send invite gt is same - xbox one
293 Titan Xbox One looking to try the raid for the first time. GT same as above
Need 4 people for oryx msg me for inv must know what to do msg BossKiller618
293 Hunter at oryx cp looking for help to get it done. Xbox1 need 5 msg darkredfrown
Need 2 guardians to help me do a antiquated rune must be over 297 light message for invite Xbox one
XBOX1 291 Titan LFG GT RoguePaladin24
298 Hunter looking to complete the raid, GT is Haphazard Loki, Xbox One.
292 light really want to end this raid in on oryx cp message NMCB14 for invite
294 hunter at sister cp lokking for team help me through first time
ORYX cp after 5 ppl message me on xbox 360 ... gt PaulBlp86 for an invite
Need help I'm light 290 hunter and never done raid before gt is ztwallace and am on Xbox one. Would really appreciate help bc I really enjoy the raids just never got around to this one
Edited by scouselad81: 10/12/2015 1:42:44 PMFirst timer titan looking to join a team for raid lvl 297 add scouselad81 ps4
Need 1 more to help me kill gorgoroth for the first time add sk8_chris20
Edited by J0HNNY BE Good: 10/12/2015 1:43:59 PM293 Titan and 296 Hunter We are running fresh run Looking for 293+ Have mic Message me online gt same as above The o in johnny is a zero XB1
Fresh run needed. Never done taken raid. Need 5. Add me sans2013 ps4
I'm a 299 titan and I'm looking for deathsingers cp and btw I suck at jumping around for the relic so when ever I'm torn between dimensions I'll wipe if that's fine :)