Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
I'm a 299 titan and I'm looking for deathsingers cp and btw I suck at jumping around for the relic so when ever I'm torn between dimensions I'll wipe if that's fine :)
293 Titan experienced Fresh run Gt same as above The o in johnny is a zero
Need 4 for raid on ps4. Add Ratherwin
Edited by Lumenwood: 10/12/2015 1:33:48 PMLevel 291 Warlock. Sunsinger although I can do Stormcaller. I'm on PS3, desm0708, so message if you need another person on your Raid team.
Light 294 Titan looking for a team, this is my first time running it. GT Matty7799 on xbox
291 hunter inv me DevUnit APEX
Oryx cp 298 hunter message for invite FlyingMoltov
Oryx cp 298 hunter message for invite FlyingMoltov
Looking for a team to do the raid. I have golgoroth cp and wanna finish the raid before the reset. A few experienced players would be great as I'm new to the raid myself. No special requirements as long as everyone helps eachother and no raging. Let's keep it friendly. Add me same as above :) PS3
Edited by ToastersConfused: 10/12/2015 1:16:07 PMLvl 295 wl. I have watched Vids on the raid, and gotten up to the War Priest. Looking g for raid group. PSN is Toastersconfused
Edited by Ratherwin: 10/12/2015 1:15:32 PMLooking for raid team. Hunter light 295. Ps4. Add Ratherwin
Level 40 Hunter, light level 281, gamertag is same as above. I'd appreciate being shown the steps in the raid. And I don't have anyone who plays Destiny, so...I need help.
302 warlock got to sisters but haven't beaten them gt silencedbob
Need 4 for fresh run, 290 light minimum, experience a plus but not necessary. Message on Xbox with class and light level GT SkyyPilot05
Looking to do raid. 295 warlock. I have warpriest cp or willing to do fresh run.
Looking for 290+ for the raid add beastinstorPS
Need 4 at sisters I've ran the raid multiple times, first time in my hunter. Also running a friend thru for first time. Add and join if patient and interested.
Message FlyingMoltov for invite oryx cP(298 hunter 306 sniper)
Message FlyingMoltov for invite oryx cP(298 hunter 306 sniper)
Message FlyingMoltov for invite oryx cP
298 titan, comfortable running any subclass and I have them all maxed, only been through once all the way up to oryx. I have a mic and am more than willing to listen to any strategy you have, looking to join a fun cooperative group for a fresh run on xbox one GT War RiderOfRuin.
Team needed gt same message for invite
Looking to join a team message FlyingMoltov.(I know what I'm doing)
Looking for a team for the oryx cp. my first time but I understand how to do it. Message on xbox 1 for invite
300 hunter. need orxy cp - only have to kill him to finish quest. like to do it before reset. know what to do. however, i'm more than happy to go back and run with a team (experienced or not). preferable at powering the glyph. msg before inviting me.
Looking to join a team message FlyingMoltov.(I know what I'm doing)Xbox 1