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Edited by AYRES: 10/18/2015 4:26:49 PM

Sunbreaker is Too Strong w/proof

Defend this please. This post will probably be ignored since there is no defence for how ridiculously OP this class is. Edit: Lots of support actually. Thank you to everyone who is capable of thinking rationally. Edit: Thank you for the discussion. Unfortunately I do not have time to talk to all of you. As for the state of the sunbreaker class I remain unconvinced that it is balanced. Edit: Was Trending briefly, lets keep it up Edit: 1400 replies not a single one has had a convincing or reasonable point to suggest that sunbreaker is balanced. Get ready for the nerf hammer titans. Edit: 2000 replies not a single valid point suggesting why this class is balanced. You lose titans enjoy the nerf.

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  • Bump

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  • I am literally so bored of all these 'nerf this' 'buff that' constantly about everything on this game, before I upgraded to ps4 and made a Titan I was a hunter. I played a lot and I died, same with the Titan, just play the game and enjoy it and if you die a lot at some point in crucible, you just get over it.

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    • How dare you interrupt Datto!

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    • PVP is the only time anyone is complaining about it. What about everyone that plays PVE and has to deal with the nerf also? The majority of people that play this game play it for the PVE content. Why would we nerf something for such a small portion of the game and take away from all of us that don't play the game for PVP.

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      6 Replies
      • [quote]Defend this please. This post will probably be ignored since there is no defence for how ridiculously OP this class is. Edit: Lots of support actually. Thank you to everyone who is capable of thinking rationally. Edit: Thank you for the discussion. Unfortunately I do not have time to talk to all of you. As for the state of the sunbreaker class I remain unconvinced that it is balanced. Edit: Was Trending briefly, lets keep it up Edit: 1400 replies not a single one has had a convincing or reasonable point to suggest that sunbreaker is balanced. Get ready for the nerf hammer titans.[/quote]mfw I'm a warlock and never have a problem with them Just counter hot them and dead before they know what happened.

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      • While I agree with you, you still sound butthurt about it

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        3 Replies
        • Edited by Exhumami: 10/11/2015 5:06:21 PM
          I can understand maybe in Mayhem where people could be annoyed from Sunbreakers, but it's Mayhem. What do you expect in [i]Mayhem[/i]? As for regular Crucible play, the Sunbreaker isn't in constant super. If they do get their super fast it isn't only because of their gear, for there is an intellect cap, they are also getting quite a few kills. If a crappy person has decent intellect they will probably get their super two-three times if they are lucky and depending on the game mode. I would say two mostly though. I don't really see the problem.

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        • I'm pretty sure I shut your stupid thread down with my video of my sunbreaker getting one shotted.

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          • Bump

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          • So have you ever played as a warlock in PvP?

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            23 Replies
            • Edited by Lilrooster156: 10/8/2015 5:34:21 AM
              Text wall inbound. Okay you left some things out. You singled out Cauturize but forgot to mention that anything that starts health regen does it exactly the same way and at exactly the same rate. This means the Red Death perk, the perk on the Suros Regime, Hungering Blade, Life Steal Energy Drain, and orb pickup on helmets and Transfusion in the Striker tree start health regen and shield regen at same rate. Unless you want everything changed don't just mention Cauturize. You talked about duration and compared it to Golden Gun. Stormcaller duration is enough to kill you wait for you to respawn in Rift even when you have to wait to "Find a spawn location" and then be killed by the tail end of the super. This has happened to me more than a few times. You even showed Stormcaller duration when you killed the Sunbreaker and another guy them had time to go across mao and get a Stormbringer medal. Let's compare melee. I've killed people from Felwinters level range with Stormcaller melee without the perk that extends the range. Titan melee in any subclass sucks. On Stormcaller activation you get a mini Fist of Havoc. With the Titan if running sunspots we dont get an AOE on activation and the one we do isnt as leathal. If you're close enough to be burnt by the sunspot you're already going to die. I've done and seen Warlocks run up and activate super with Landfall and then start zapping. You were complaining about a Sunbreaker range. A Stormcaller doesn't even have to be in the same room. There have been several times when I haven't seen the Stormcaller and died to Stormtrance because of chaining. What about Nightstalker? Nightstalker has enhanced radar that shows exact location on your mini map and on your HUD even with the slightest bit of damage. Shadestep is blink 2.0 with no cool down. I can't count the amount of times I've been shadesteped shot gunned already. With quiver you get to activate super then run around while it counts down and whole it counts down you get to run around with whatever gun you chose until you use the other two shots. Nightstalker doesn't get DR while doing this? Neither does Golden Gun and it has no damage reduction. Gunslinger compared to Sunbreaker? Obviously duration is much different. Travel time to kill target based on range? Golden Gun: instantaneous. Sure has damage drop off now but unless you're trying to snipe someone across a map like First Light this doesn't come into play. The aim assist doesn't matter either because of the 0 travel time on the shot. Sunbreaker from the same range takes a couple seconds more then enough time to dodge it. Avoiding hammers compared Golden Gun shots? I'd rather try to dodge hammers then bullets. Hammers are super easy to avoid. You proved that when you zapped the Sunbreaker with Stormcaller. Sunsinger? Duration is also fairly long and doesn't go down with every grenade you throw or every time you melee. It doesn't have the same on hit kill capabilities of a hammer but the Sunsinger grenades are still pretty lethal even after the bolt grenades range nerf and the sticky grenade reduced tracking abilities. The overshield with a melee hit and not a kill (like a Defender needs) increases chances of survival in any fight if you get a melee. Everyone talks about a Bladedancer nerf but unless it was a ninja nerf or everyone is talking about when the reduced DR from 75% or whatever it was to 50% it didn't happen. There is nothing on the 2.0 patch notes. There was aspects like bolt range and sticky tracking is now less aggressive. Blink had its cool down slightly increased but not really enough to notice, I still get blink shotguned all over the place. These nerfs didn't just effect Bladedancers though. Any subclass with these abilities was hit. Bladedancer moves so much faster than a Sunbreaker it doesn't need to have any more damage reduction then it does. Titans can move fast in a straight line going around a corner is a lot harder. They are not more agile than a Hunter. Shotgun melee isn't in your favour unless you get the drop on them. It is almost always a trade from straight on if they decide it's a bad idea to Razors Edge you. If the Titan misses the Bladedancer with hammers especially in close quarters the Bladedancer wins. When compared to other supers and all the the subclass abilities they have the Sunbreaker isn't that overpowered. Of course if the only thing you're going to show is the duration compared to a Gunslinger and how long it last in 3v3 setting when you have no reason to throw hammers and actually use the super energy it looks bad. What about trials that's 3v3? The Sunbreaker has just as much potential to wipe a team as Bladedancer does. That Gunslinger does. That Sunsinger does. That Stormcaller does. If you want to prove that something is overpowered compare it to everything not just one aspect or abilty. That makes you look biased and salty (which you obviously are) I don't think it should be able to survive a Golden Gun shot. Sniper headshot shouldn't kill any super. That's stupid. What allows the Sunbreaker to survive these things is a chest armor piece with increased armor when using a solar subclass. Without it and just max armor spec in the subclass tree the Titan dies. These armor prices are not exclusive to Titans. I haven't tried it but I wonder if a full armor spec Sunsinger using Radiant Skin and the Ram with one of these armor pieces will make it able to survive these things. P.S. Forgot to mention Bloodbound in Nightstalker tree. Tether more then one target damage only one and kill whoever has been tethered because of shared damage with no reductions. So everyone tethered takes the same amount of damage as the guy you're shooting without ever having to hit them and everyone takes full damage. So you get a 96 damage headshot with Hawkmoon on one guy instead of this being divided by however many people are caught they all take 96 damage.

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              124 Replies
              • GS: has trip mine, trowing knife, incendiary blade SB has: nothing Everything about the SB subclass is only for the super, there is nothing to help you if you're not in super now lets look at the supers GG near aimbot infinite range 11 seconds for 3 shots fast RoF Best counter: Shotgun or sniper HoS: weak tracking long but not infinite range TRAVEL TIME about 10 seconds if you spam hammers slow RoF heal on kill best counter: run until they runs out of hammers so please consider the rest of the subclass before you call nerf to the super, would you like titans to have blink? or invis? or grenade burn? or one hit kill melee? or shield on hit? didn't think so stop crying nerf just because you want your super to be on top all the time the only nerf i agree with here is make the butt-blam!- ton of armor a perk

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                16 Replies
                • I summon the mighty Butthurt!

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                • Im no doctor but clearly OP has a severe case of being a little bitch

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                  • The Mars Warsat is OP I can't get it to drop for shit.

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                    • I would like to say that while hammer of sol lasts longer without doing anything, it loses time every throw. With the forge master perk on it decreases that reduction but not by too much. GG however has those 11 seconds regardless of wether or not they choose to fire at all. Firing all 4 GG shots (with acliophage) it still takes the same amount of time. Would you rather sunbreaker a had a set amount of hammers to throw or they can run out quicker if they miss, unlike GG.

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                    • They finally have something to one shot titans the Eiriene RR4 sniper rifle the highest legendary impact sniper with LITC! If the bullet is proked with LITC it one shots titans and if it doesn't have it the fire rate is rapid so better double tap....btw at this point you should know to double tap, double tap zombies, double tap sunbreaker, double tap women.

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                    • [quote]Defend this please. This post will probably be ignored since there is no defence for how ridiculously OP this class is. Edit: Lots of support actually. Thank you to everyone who is capable of thinking rationally. Edit: Thank you for the discussion. Unfortunately I do not have time to talk to all of you. As for the state of the sunbreaker class I remain unconvinced that it is balanced. Edit: Was Trending briefly, lets keep it up! Edit: Its 1:00am goodnight. If you are looking for an argument, argue with Syphax in the comments section of the video. He's probably one of the best PvP players in destiny and plays all 3 classes so he's not biased. Edit: 1400 replies not a single one has had a convincing or reasonable point to suggest that sunbreaker is balanced. Get ready for the nerf hammer titans.[/quote]

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                    • Bump

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                        • Nice montage.

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                          • 1

                            Straight and normal - old

                            Why do Nightstalkers have more kills in PvP than Sunbreakers?

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                            4 Replies
                            • I don't really care how long they're super last or how many hammers they can throw and I never complained even after death by their super but, just earlier today in mayhem a titan with HoS active came at me while I had GG active I shot and he didn't die he tossed a hammer and killed me. I wouldn't even had minded if we traded but we didn't. Also this isn't me saying it's overpowered nurf nurf nurf, that's a tank class and they should have a tank super but, in CRUCIBLE any super should be insta-kill if your hit by it no exception.

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                            • Everyone complaining...... Its a video game..... It's meant for fun..... It's not your livelihood..... Your not living or dying (in the real world) based on this 1 super...... Its a supercharge, it's not used every second of the game..... There are tournaments, no prizes, nothing....... Only small rewards, that the super really has no bearing on....... ....... honestly even if it is overpowered................... so what.........................................................................become a titan and use it, then.............................. Have fun.

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                            • Bump for later

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                            • You don't have to keep attacking titans, although I don't see why you would in the first place ~A Hunter

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