What is?
The fact that you are crying about emotes. They weren't promised to you when you bought taken king, unless you bought the collectors edition. Even with that people paid extra for emotes. Now they are giving everyone the option to pay more for emotes. Hell they are even giving you some for free. If they were selling exotic engrams, or exclusive weapons I would understand you being upset. But your acting like an entitled 14 year old.
You don't get it. Your ignorance doesn't make me cry in pity, it makes me infuriated with rage and discomfort.
Then explain to me how I'm being ignorant? We're you promised free emotes before you bought ttk? Do the emotes break the game? Do you not believing in supporting devs? Do you honestly feel like Bungie can just ride out the profits for the rest of Destiny's life and still produce free dlc for you?
Alright, keep deflecting my questions.