There's no justification for it. Even if I don't spend a dime myself doesn't mean it's not sick that I paid for this game and every expansion pass and still have items blocked off from me.
It doesn't matter what items your selling.
It doesn't matter how cheap they are.
You're taking advantage of people and it's wrong. It's not a debate.
I will buy what I like from micro trans because I support bungie and the games they make. It's the same reason I buy all species fishing license but primarily fish for bass because I don't mind investing in supporting entities that entertain or provide a good service. Also there seems to be some huge disconnect with the fact it cost the company money to build, maintain, support, and provide infrastructure for the game. People that make posts like this act like they just pressed a few buttons from a vending machine out popped destiny like a a dam cup of coffee or something. I think it's good that people question bungie decisions and give feedback. I believe that bungies respects its community and listens to feedback. However I also think there is a sense of entitlement from certain people they expect everything to be free all the time without understanding everything that is involved to create these entertainment experiences. If I can give few bucks here and there for a certain entertainment value so the folks at bungie can continue to create entertainment experiences I like I think that is a good business model. It puts the decision in the players hands how much they want or can afford to support the folks that make the game.