Lol whinny ass crutch player. Sucks your hunter isn't the top now doesn't it loser kid
But youre the salty crutch player... You came to the post and threw conplaints defending your crutch class. Such a hypocrite.
Lol says the hunter. 1 year of your bs and you all can't stand a better class is here. Hunters are not supposed to be the op class. Your the ass end of class's. Op goes to the soldier. Not the loner loser
[quote]Lol says the hunter. 1 year of your bs and you all can't stand a better class is here. Hunters are not supposed to be the op class. Your the ass end of class's. Op goes to the soldier. Not the loner loser[/quote] *Clears throat Salty scrub Titan. *Runs home to make fries knowing he won't need his own salt.
Nevermind, there was so much opinion in that response i dont even need to give a reply because you brought nothing to the debate. If you want to joke around thats fine but i cant take you seriously if your responses are going to be something an 8 year old would tell me
Hmmmm. Hmmmmm. Hmmmmm. I see no point in a discussion on classes in this game when hunters had a op class balance for the last year. Now that the shoe sits else where they're all mad. This isn't going to change. Hunters were never supposed to be op.
Nice b8
Thank you. The idiots fall right in
I'm not the one saying STFU for a post calling for a much needed nerf. Just because you rely too much on your hammers doesn't mean that it shouldn't be nerfed.
Edited by theraggededge1: 10/7/2015 8:52:33 PMLol Hunters deserve to suck ass for the next year in the crucible. It must really piss you all off your not top class anymore ad 90% of those calling for a nerf are hunters
[quote]Thank you. The idiots fall right in[/quote] ....he responded to your post. Oh the irony
Let him have his moment before his crutch hammer is nerfed.
Celestial Nighthawk
*Says I use a crutch, abuses sunbreaker. Lol I dont want to argue with a 12 year old. You dont belong on this post. Bye.
Dumb -blam!- I'm a lot older than 12 and I've been using titan since beta so blow me you shit player who had to use the first op class and now whines your not op anymore
Edited by AYRES: 10/7/2015 8:34:14 PMLol whatever buddy.
Damn you got exposed kiddo