originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
Lv 40 warlock, 291 light. Looking for friends for daily missions, strikes,raids and any levels. Just started ttk, willing to help anyone on lower levels too
Hey bud if you're looking for a DoD Xbox one clan you should check out wolf pack. I'm trying to get it up and running now https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1327333
Anyone interested in doing a raid on Monday night around 8pm GMT. First time doing so any experience would be great. Need 4 players
I'm always looking for people to run with. Xb1. Gt Jerrdawg
I'm on virtually every night running strikes and stuff,you can add me if you want my gt is the same,look forward to playing with you.
I'm still up and coming with the LL on both my Hunter and Titan but running strikes solo is getting old. Would love to add some for a fire team or two. Maxan1109
I added you to y friends list. we usually start playing at 9 EST
Add me on most nights after 6pm and weekends Gt Toyman151 xbox1
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1122426]DoD X1 Bravo[/url] is currently recruiting. We are mostly EST/CST, but have close ties with several of the other DoD clans. There is always someone around to join up with. Stop on over, say hi, and join the party!
Happy to help all, add me SergeantBash65 Xbox One
Yeah add me please UK based play most nights
295 titan, feel free to add me. Times are sporadic d/t newborn and two step sons playing sports. Have only done one nightfall and haven't raided yet since TTK came out. Eastern time. GT: rustbucket84 on Xbox one.
Add me I have a lvl 297 warlock looking to do the raid and strikes
I'm on pretty much every evening after 8pm MST, Level 40 Hunter, 293 Light.. always looking for people to play with. Haven't done any NF or Raids yet but getting to that point where I think I have to. Add me if you want. Thanks
TheArcRunner is my tag. I'm on nightly but times are sporadic haha
If you're on X1 add me Tumbles703. On nightly running various activities.
Howdy! clan connection is down with dod.net, BUT! this link will take you to posts including clan recruitments until its back https://www.bungie.net/en/View/Search?all=DoD
plz add me as well gt AMERKINWARMONGR
Look me up Chris, I'm on nightly 8-10 Pacific time. I've been looking for some regulars to do mission with.