Another whiny hunter complaining his super isn't the most dominant anymore. Not like anyone hasent seen them before. Frankly I do not care if sunbreaker gets nerfed or not, (because as we all known crying kids get there way.) Titans finally have a worthy super for pvp, and it's about time titans stop getting there asses handed to them by golden gun shots from accross the map, and r1 spammed by a bladedancers. Keep on crying kids.
this shit is beyond dominant it's fking op
i mained warlock and defender titan, try again
do remember the titan bubble it was the first class too get a nerf . The bubble used too be unkillable you had too wait for the timer too run out . next minute nerf def titan becomes worst class in the game I fear when they nerf sunbreaker the same thing will happen
Youre damn right crying kids get their way. You'll see that from how whinny titans got radiance nerfed to shit and bladedancer was nerfed. Karma. Enjoy it while it lasts ;)
do remember the titan bubble it was the first class too get a nerf . The bubble used too be unkillable you had too wait for the timer too run out . next minute nerf def titan becomes worst class in the game I fear when they nerf sunbreaker the same thing will happen
Hunters new super still cancels other supers sweetie. It's dominant if timed right. Then again so is every other super. So why are you talking about someone whining on the forum when you post whining?
The Hunter super (Void Arrow? Void Bow?) has a delay before it breaks supers.
Yeah, so does the suppression grenade. Its basically a bow shaped suppression grenade with awesome perks. From what I have seen, it is super useful.
So? That's why it's called timing?
Lol.. timing. Yes, timing is spectacular when HoS is looking at you, or not looking at you even. Hit the Titan with Shadowshot and wait for the delay, they turn around and kill you, THEN the suppression activates. I main a Hunter. It happens all the time. This 'timing' you speak of, does not exist in a fast paced PvP game with skilled players.
I Truly want to know how you know anything about the game. .9 K/d and you're telling me how timing works? If you hear the HoS activate, you can put a tether near him and he runs into it. If he already has it, then yah you're screwed, but seriously, it's not hard. You barely even play PvP anyway so. You know
If you see HoS activate and fire your bow, there will still be enough time to be hit and killed before the suppression effect pops. If you hear it, sure, you might get lucky and tether an area they'll run into. If it's already active like you said, you're screwed. But don't judge my perception of timing based on my k/d. I don't play PvP much for my own reasons.
In all honesty I agree with you. But PvP is all about timing