I don't take any super (other than Hunters') head on. I keep my distance, yes. But when you can charge any super and kill them fairly easily, or shoot them with a golden gun, they die. Except Sunbreakers. Everybody is forced to run away from HoS while Sunbreakers chase after every other super. Unless you're a Titan (or voidwalker), you are easily killed while using your super. So imagine a Super Vs Super.
HoS v GG- HoS will most likely come out on top
HoS v Bladedancer- pretty much a joke.
HoS v... You get the idea.
I did have this amazing moment of me killing a Sunbreaker, though. I'll probably upload it and post it on the forums. I recorded it on my phone, but I'd rather you get a good quality video ;-;
You are assuming the Titan gets the super off first.