Go play mayhem and see what all the fuss is about. It's basically made for Titans to slaughter everyone... =\
play any other game mode and titans suck balls but you play mayhem your titan becomes a god like a lot of ppl are saying all sunbreakers are good for is there super if that is nerfed we repeat what happen in year one do remember the titan bubble it was the first class too get a nerf . The bubble used too be unkillable you had too wait for the timer too run out . next minute nerf def titan becomes worst class in the game I fear when they nerf sunbreaker the same thing will happen the next class too receave was yep you guessed it warlock and yes hunters were able too continue for a full year with their broken class
Id rather them buff the other year 2 classes to be in the same ballpark. It would atleast make things a little more balanced that way!
all the supers are powerful its just that titans hammer of sol does better in one type of game mode if you play any other game mode hammer of sol is meh