[b]Lost and Found Bugged[/b]
So I did the "Lost and Found" quest and didn't get the exotic "Boolean Gemini". I'm really confused on what is going on. I am just looking for some possible ways in which I could maybe do the quest again or something. I am only lv 2 with Petra but still got the quest even though everybody has been saying you need to be lv 3.....I don't know what I should do? Please help Bungie.
Need Taken War completed, Lost and Found completed, Wolves on Mars completed, be Level 3 with Queen and have patrol unlocked on Dreadnaught
some thing happened with me but I'm not rank 3. When I hit rank 3 will I get it?
Same happened to me but i was rank 3 in Queen's Wrath when completed "Lost and Found"
[quote]I am only lv 2 with Petra but still got the quest even though everybody has been saying you need to be lv 3[/quote] Yes, you do need to hit rank 3. You've yet to meet the requirements.
Me to trust bungie to -blam!- a game up thats been out for a year already and throw a new dlc out thats basically the original game with a new destination. Then release halo and not fix destiny.
I'm rank 7 with Petra. Completed lost and found. No reward, any thoughts as to why?
The same thing happened to me completed the mission and she didn't give.up the weapon
You need to be rank 3 with Queens Wrath