blink did not get nerf it had a .3 of sec cool down and they increased it too a wait for it .5 of a cool down that's not a nerf
Youre an idiot. They nerfed distance, cooldown and weapon readiness after blink. Read the patch notes kid.
Dumbass, that is a nerf! They completely neutered the damn blink! Have you even used it? You feel as if you have a broken leg, trying to run away!
you have too wait and extra .2 of a second and you complain
Yes i complain, they slowed you the hell down when you blink now. Trying to shoot right after you blink is impossible to live through because you'll be dead before your gun even comes up.
welcome too animation speed not got nothing too do with blick
Yes but it is CAUSED by blink. Admit it, it got nerfed really badly. I loved using it, warlock or hunter, now I stay clear away from it.