Today, I'm going to show you the secrets to the illuminati.
Destiny has 3 of coins.
You know what else has a 3?
That's right.
Halo 3.
Doesn't this all seem a bit strange?
Bungie worked on Halo 3 and Destiny.
Does this mean the illuminati is a part of Bungie?
Let's find out.
Destiny has 7 letters.
Draksis has 7 letters.
Everybody knows who Draksis is now.
7 minus 7 is 0.
0 plus 7 is 7.
Coincidence? I think not.
7 is Bungie's favorite number.
Illuminati has 10 letters.
10 minus 7 is 3.
Did you see that?
What has 3 sides?
That's right.
Doritos is a triangle.
You know what else is a triangle?
Is that enough proof for you?
Ok one more fact.
Bungie has one " I ".
Illuminati has one "eye".
Ilumenarti cunformed?
Your on to something but look at mine