if you are playing mayhem (theoretically), and you have a golden gun (theoretically), and you can only kill just one person (theoretically), who then kills you while he's dead (theoretically), and you get an exact 1.0 KD (theoretically), you should stop playing Destiny (immediately).
Or worse, you activate your GG only to be sniped before firing s single shot lol
but you get your golden gun like four times every three minutes c: so it shouldn't matter
Not my personal experience but might eat hammer or someone else's GG everytime LOL
hmm well playing mayhem is never good for KD...... idk y you'd play that if you wanted a good KD.
I think the original topic was where best to do the first part of the Chaperone Quest (besides boosting)... Admittedly, if you hate PVP and/or are bad at it, boosting would probably be fastest, like 5 to 10 minutes tops