Just as the title says, the main problem is that A LOT of his Bounties require you to win, at first I didn't thought it was a big deal... until I started doing them every week I realized that was bullshit.
More in crucible and MORE to loner players that doesn't have many friends to do a decent fireteam, I just play with one or 2 friends, and the main problem is that it ask you to win and, I may not be a top player but it's really REALLY frustrating to lose because of your team, you simply can't control and I always feel that the game puts me against organized fireteams, or puts me in the middle of matches that are already lost, and I don't have any problem doing the 6 or the 9 kills that ask me to do, but the inning part, I got so frsutrated losing match after match and being the MVP of the match, that I simply started to quit, and that's the main problem, in the middle of the match once I realized that I'm not gonna win I quit, I don't wanna lose time, a lot of players do the same, before these quest I rarely quit a match, I was one of those that stayed because enjoyed a good challenge and even if I lose, I would fight to have a positive kill death ratio, not anymore, day after day I find myself just quitting the match, all because the bounty requires you to win, and 8 out of 10 times I'm losing because of my team.
Bungie should replace that aspect of the bounty for something else, like, I don't know ask you to have a 2.0 K/D ratio, or ask you to simply have a positive K/D Ratio, even something like "On the Birght side..." medal count you as a win for the bounty something like that, because otherwise, me, and other people will just keep quitting matches.
I am not very good at pvp yet I didn't cry and I beat it. Lazy people.
Let me preface this by saying that I am not, nor will I ever claim to be, a great PvP player. I honestly consider myself to be a mediocre one (go ahead and look at older posts to confirm this if you don't believe me). I completed the majority (and when I say that I mean 90%+) of the Shaxx questline solo. Yes, there were times that I experienced the same things you discussed above, but I was still able to complete it. You just have to keep a level head, and keep plugging away. If you're at a part that doesn't require you to be in a Fireteam or specific playlist, head to Rumble. That way you won't have to deal with your teammates and you'll only need to rely on your own skill. It's not impossible, even for mediocre players.
Edited by INCVRSIO: 10/9/2015 7:09:22 PMBungie pls https://instagram.com/p/8leF71rNpM/?taken-by=incvrsio_official How can I lose when I carried 7200, team you had one -blam!-ing job, bungie you have one -blam!-ing job.
Took me 4 hours to get all done pls
Edited by Vishwa Naik: 10/9/2015 3:34:04 PMAfter 2.5 hours I got 9 MOTHER -blam!-ING STRANGE COINS as my "Nightfall" reward.
I honestly believe Bungie's renewed focus on Crucible will push more people away from Crucible than ever before.
Just keep playing until you get a good team, if your going for the 1500 points stuff or kills with certain weapons, then if you do good with a bad team you'll do better with a good team. Then you just stay in the game.
I enjoyed the quest. I learnt a fair old bit about different game modes from the quest. My only gripe was getting dropped into unwinnable games. I tend to play solo, and I guess because I'm still learning that losing isn't too much of a problem. OK you get dropped into a crap team, but that makes me want to try harder to win. I think that's what the quest designer was looking for. I think its geared more towards new players and those just getting into crucible. I've even boosted my k/d a little throughout (1.1 on my hunter, not even started leveling up the others yet since TTK, no time!) The rewards are rubbish granted, the only use for the hothead was powering up the SS!
Dude I agree with you completely. I was mvp 10 straight games yesterday. Played for 2 hours and still didn't get the featured matches bounty done! The quests and bounties don't reflect individual skill, they are just whether you get lucky with matchmaking. And I also never quit a match before ttk. Now I have to otherwise I'll be playing for hours to get one bounty done!
Ok So I usually play Crucible Solo as well and I agree and disagree with your comments. I'll start with how I disagree. I appreciate the that Shaxx Quests and bounties can't be completed by just anyone. Probably only 20% of Destiny players can complete them solo... the other 80% probably need to be carried. If the Shaxx bounties were changed at all, I'd like it to be rewards that are exclusive to this bounties and possibly even emblems to show off. Maybe a special Emblem to use in Iron banner that gives a 20% instead of 10% buff eh Bungie? So I really don't want to see these made easier. I've completed all my bounties that require win plus performance or win in a specific playlist. I just need 2 more wins and participation in whatever today's featured game is. So the hard parts are done for me. However your point about quitting out of matches is VERY valid. I normally will only do elimination with a buddy or two, because it can be very competitive and I don't like to carry guys that normally would not be able to get a win against a superior team. But last night, elimination was the last category I needed a win in and my elimination buddy was offline. So in I go. I got a win carrying the team with 2 wrecking balls, 14 kills and 2.80KB compared to my team mates with 3 kills each, 1 assist and <= .75 KD each. They really deserved to lose. This was after 5 games where I quit somewhere during round one after determining my team wasn't able to win. Once this happened in the first 20 seconds of the game where I jumped up to a sniper area, and both team mates died within seconds. Then I go to revive them and as I'm reviving them they both quit. I started this at about 10:30 and completed the 5th winning game at 10:48PM. So quitting after recolonization my team was going to fail saved me a lot of time. I'm not sure how bungie would really solve this problem without making the bounties too easy. I know they like to discourage game quitting. I know in normal crucible (not elimination(, they have been effective at this at least with me. If my team is losing but I'm doing well then I like to try to get a 'On the Bright Side' Medal or Lone Wolf Medal. Both I consider difficult medals to obtain... so I'm motivated to obtain them. So bungie may be able to adjust the bounties to be Perform/Win or LoneWolf/Lose or On the Bright Side. That would work for me, because you'd still have to perform even if your team mates weren't. It would lessen the quitting.
Iron Banner.
you havent even seen what you get when you finish the whole questline from shaxx: a lame 150 attack rocket launcher with uber bad perks :-) for me this felt like: bungie degrades pvp and buffs pve since the rewards from the pve quests at least were somewhat good. only good thing about that is: after youre done you unlocked the weekly bounties with the bonus bounty for completing them. they are not that hard and that bonus bounty has nightfall rewards. which doesnt mean that you get something, sure, but at least it is something and keeps you doing these bountys.