Since no one seems to be reading this..
[b]TL;DR: Tried to License Transfer TTK from someone. Worked for one of my friends. Failed for me. Shit's fuc[/b][b]ked up, sir.[/b]
So, my cousin is having a birthday party this weekend. They're planning a Raid party, running through Vault Hard, Crota Hard and ending with King's Fall.
They're on X360. I only have the DLC for Xbox One.
In his kindness, his stepdad offered me a license transfer so I don't have to spend $40 I can't afford for a DLC I already bought on a console I hardly ever use. Issue is, it tanked.
One of our other friends did the same thing with a friend of his and it worked without a hitch, but whenever I sign into my profile (after doing the transfer and downloading it, of course), it either tells me the content is corrupted/damaged or it just continues to tell me everything TTK is locked.
I've tried deleting the content and re-downloading as well as signing into the owner profile and letting it run patching before swapping over. I also rebooted the console. Nothing worked.
Anyone have any advice?
EDIT: Clear cache, delete, re-download did not help.
EDIT 2: Cleared cache again, deleted Taken King, Title Update and moved both my and the owner profile to Hard Drive, cleared again, rebooted, re-patched as owner profile, then redownloaded Taken King. Still nothing.
Best advice I can give...don't, it can get you banned.