Looking to do a fresh run, does not matter if you have not done raid before or know what to do i will guide you through. I would prefere you to be a minimum of 290 light message UK D0MINATI0N (zero for 'o' ) if you want in
Any spots left? 294 titan. Good listener. Have mic. Gt: WARDAYUMEAGLE86 on xb1
If it is on Xb1 I will join, I have done a small part of raid already, I like your fresh attitude of willing to help.
What console are you one i would like to join im 294-295 on PS4 never done ot before but seen it some Videos about it
Xbox One and now full sorry
Il jump in with you pal , I've ran it multiple times so I'm also up for helping a few with it , so many negative people on here lol
Any chance you can help me, I have done small part of raid looking for friends on XB1 after swapping over from 360.
Sorry pal on ps4 otherwise I would have , good luck with it though
What console?