Barely. the difference between aiming GG vs aiming the hammer is very minimal. stating other wise is grasping at straws. I run combustion on GG and get kills on people I don't see. Not difficult.
Yes. 31 impact is not high impact. 34+ is. They also gave out elemental based armor. made armor a more valuable stat. and did other things to increase TTK. There are plenty of things to point to the fact that bungie is cutting down on OHK's or very quick TTKs. you'd be blind or stupid to think otherwise.
Invincible is hyperbolic. 1 dev said he was doing slightly better with that class. hardly counts as the devs agreeing it's too good. But keep skewing. It's making your argument so good. Plenty of things can one shot the sunbreaker. and the sunbreaker only becomes worse when you take max armor. which appearently a lot of people don't run. I don't care what other snipers can do. Snipers shouldn't be able to easily counter a super ever. if anything can do that it should be another super, a shotgun, or a heavy weapon. Heavy weapons are limited, shotguns require risking your life, and using a super to do so is also using your best move to cancel theirs. balancing things out.
"plenty of things can one shot the sunbreaker" what are all these things that can one shot a sunbreaker? i GG a sunbreaker and he lived. i had to use 2 shots to kill him. it was rare i know but it cost me 2 shots. also shadow shot took a moment to take people out of their super. so i was able to tether him but he killed me with a hammer before he was out of his super. sounds like a fair trade... no because no one was able to clean up the kill so he just walked away. im not hating on the sunbreaker. but i do think the super needs to be reduced or the hammers thrown need to cost more super. i also agree that the armor needs to be reduced to 50%. all this in pvp. i wouldn't touch pve. in pve i think they should make the tether damage buff a little higher than the sunbreakers melting point. sunbreaker is a dps machine and great with crowd control. nightstalker is a great support class. but its only a support class and a dps having a better support function than a support class kinda sucks.
~nova bomb ~fist of havok ~highest impact shotguns with a headshot. ~snipers with 34+ impact ~exotic sword heavies ~sleeper stimulant ~GG with nighthawk.
im not trying to sound like a dick. because i dont know that much about the game sill. nova bomb, FoH (good luck getting that close) and gg with an exotic helm that 99.9% of gunslingers never use in pvp are all supers. the sleeper stimulant and sword both take up an exotic weapon AND require heavy... so that leaves the snipers and theres only two snipers that have a higher impact of 34 for year two weapons. one of them is another exotic.... shotguns is a joke you arent getting close enough to kill a sunbreaker with a shotgun. thats great for BD because they had to attack you by melee so you knew you had a chance to kill/trade with them. not sunbreakers. and dont say BD have razors edge bc i can count on one hand how many times ive been killed by that ability.
The fact remains that most supers can out right kill the sunbreaker at it's best or take it away. yeah. and what else would you use heavy ammo on? people use it to shut down supers all the time. No. 4 snipers. e spear, black hammer, erine rr4, and black spindle can all one shot him regardless of armor. and it's hard to take you seriously when you argue like that. I main rumble. I get close enough and have several times killed them this way. You asked how he can be one shotted. I gave several ways. They are all very viable. and you downplay them. I don't see the point in ever debating with people here if all they will do is downplay. It's cool and all if you don't agree with me. But please don't try to belittle my facts. If there was like only one or 2 ways 2 OHK them I could agree. But there are more then enough ways. the problem is the community isn't getting the way they want to do it. so obviously they deem it as a problem.
i wasnt trying to belittle you i was stating facts and trying to understand. sorry your so sensitive. And if you would read what i said. year two weapons. black hammer is not year two, neither is e spear. at least it isnt currently. heavy ammo is not used to stop supers. supers are used to secure heavy. dont start attacking me . i never down played them i just pointed out the reasons why the super is slightly stronger and gives a pretty big edge. if youve killed "several" sunbreakers with a shotgun than you are playing a ton of scrubs.
1. Your experience doesn't = the experience of the's great that you can aim...not every one could. I say the raid's not difficult, pretty easy actually but hey....many people haven't completed it...odd isn't it? 2. LMAO. There's this thing called SHOTGUN that OHK. There's this thing called Fusion that OHK. There's something called the Sunbreaker Melee that can OHK. There's something called peregrine greaves that make shoulder OHK everything. What were you saying again? 3. Luke Smith himself says that the damage resistance might be a bit too much and the he is over performing with the Sunbreaker, for a PvP player on his skill level. I think you're the one doing the skewing here lmao. 4. A shotgun or heavy can't counter sunbreakers either lmao.
1) maybe you should tell syphax that then. considering he uses all his footage and directly uses his experiences in a few sentences. But I guess it's okay for him to do it. the literal difference between the 2 is one requires LOS. that isn't a big enough difference to diffentively state one requires much more skill then another. 2) I don't see what you are getting at. But considering how many times you say lmao i'm not even going to bother. Stay salty my friend. 3) luke also stated not to take his experience as the end all be all. And they were going to wait on numbers to make any move. and people have already shown with charts that Bungie does use that on average the sunbreaker is not out preforming other classes. it's all fairly even. 4) they can. and you're clearly just choosing to be ignorant. I'm done replying.
1. I didn't say I agree with Syphax...I just don't agree with you lmao...way to redirect lmao. 2. LMAO...I'm laughing my ass off at how serious you are about Bungie trying to increase TTK when there are so many OHK resources 3. I guess we'll see. 4. Theoretically, my fists can also counter a sunbreaker titan if they just stand there and do nothing're just being a cock eating moron ;) MUTED for having a lower KD than I do....what a b!tych ;)