Defend this please. This post will probably be ignored since there is no defence for how ridiculously OP this class is.
Edit: Lots of support actually. Thank you to everyone who is capable of thinking rationally.
Edit: Thank you for the discussion. Unfortunately I do not have time to talk to all of you. As for the state of the sunbreaker class I remain unconvinced that it is balanced.
Edit: Was Trending briefly, lets keep it up
Edit: 1400 replies not a single one has had a convincing or reasonable point to suggest that sunbreaker is balanced. Get ready for the nerf hammer titans.
Edit: 2000 replies not a single valid point suggesting why this class is balanced. You lose titans enjoy the nerf.
It's not op we are hunters we should stand against it lets show these Titans who is still best stop whining and go into the crucible and win we are still the best even if Titans get a op super we still can do everything better