1) maybe you should tell syphax that then. considering he uses all his footage and directly uses his experiences in a few sentences. But I guess it's okay for him to do it. the literal difference between the 2 is one requires LOS. that isn't a big enough difference to diffentively state one requires much more skill then another.
2) I don't see what you are getting at. But considering how many times you say lmao i'm not even going to bother. Stay salty my friend.
3) luke also stated not to take his experience as the end all be all. And they were going to wait on numbers to make any move. and people have already shown with charts that Bungie does use that on average the sunbreaker is not out preforming other classes. it's all fairly even.
4) they can. and you're clearly just choosing to be ignorant.
I'm done replying.
1. I didn't say I agree with Syphax...I just don't agree with you lmao...way to redirect lmao. 2. LMAO...I'm laughing my ass off at how serious you are about Bungie trying to increase TTK when there are so many OHK resources 3. I guess we'll see. 4. Theoretically, my fists can also counter a sunbreaker titan if they just stand there and do nothing LMAO...you're just being a cock eating moron ;) MUTED for having a lower KD than I do....what a b!tych ;)