i agree 100% my few thoughts are this though.
give us nightstalkers a good pvp grenade damn!
make the sunbreakers armor reduced a little where a high impact sniper can one shot crit.
and for the love of all things when i hit a sunbreaker with my tether let that bastard die or at least not allow him to kepp using his super and kill me before the tether actually takes his super away.
Edited by Vesra Sul: 10/8/2015 6:53:04 PMI will admit their grenades aren't top tier but I find voidwall quite useful. To be honest I wouldn't mind losing spike grenades for a sticky grenade. I'd say make to where they can take a critical hit but they're left with just a trickle of health to where even an auto rifle bullet can finish it off. If they kept the armor but got rid of cauterize it'd probably be fair.
i agree with all of this. 100%