That's right, at reset time this morning (m10/d07/y15) Bungie managed to shit on the community's hopes and dreams once again.
They had spit not only in the faces of the /r/SearchForTheSleeper community, but in the faces of anyone who thought there would be an actual mystery to the quest for this fabled weapon.
[b]You know what makes it even worse?[/b]
DeeJ had even made a few tweets not long ago, telling us to "[i]keep searching, the truth is out there[/i]" and to "[i]walk through the door we've been shown[/i]".
[b]He lied.[/b]
The hype for the Sleeper Simulant was to keep people playing Destiny for a little longer.
It was a f[b]u[/b]cking business scheme.
You could've proved us right, attaching the quest and gun to an elaborate mystery, like Old Bungie would've done.
However, instead of doing something awesome for an awesome gun, you flipped us the bird and put it behind a timegate.
Also, that has got to be the laziest piss-poor excuse for a quest I've seen from you, Bungie.
Step One: Go to this room that's been there since December 2014, and kill multiple waves of Knights while memorizing spawn orders, and kill a giant Swordbearer.
Step Two: Use said spawn orders to formulate a code and punch it into this item.
Step Three: Run through a place you've already seen in a previous mission really fast and kill some wizards.
Step Four: Dismantle things, run a mission from Vanilla, and complete Warsat events.
Step Five: (edited) Wait until the next day I guess?
(edited) Step Six: Run a higher level version of 'Fallen S.A.B.E.R.' and get a weapon frame.
(edited) Step Seven: Hand the frame into the gunsmith and get the weapon.
I honestly thought that the [i]Sleeper Simulant, the gun that was hyped like crazy before TTK launch,[/i] would've had a better questline than this.
Congratulations on f[b]u[/b]cking up something that had so much potential [b]AGAIN,[/b] Bungie!
[spoiler]I wouldn't be surprised if No Time to Explain's questline is as lazy as the Simulant's.[/spoiler]
So DeeJ, why the false hope? Aside from marketing, why would you lie to the community?
I'm waiting for an answer.
Edit: Oh, I'm trending. Cool.
Edit 2: I don't want to say "I told you guys so", but....
The rest of the quest was a letdown. Not surprising.
Edit 3: 300+ replies, and a new game. Every time you see "The quest isn't over yet", take a shot.
[quote][b]THIS POST IS NOT ABOUT THE GUN ITSELF. THIS POST IS ABOUT THE QUEST TO OBTAIN IT.[/b] Bungie blew it. They had the potential to make a really fun and engaging questline with this gun, but they didn't. What we got seemed broken, incomplete, and downright lazy. None of it made any sense from a lore standpoint, and it certainly didn't live up to the hype. [url=]I know Bungie didn't write this article, [/url] but damn if they didn't keep the hype train rolling. On Twitter and even in the Bungie Weekly Update they continued to drop hints to get us to keep searching for this ultimate mystery gun. Hints like "We can only show you the door...", "The truth is out there", and more. Here are some quotes directly from the article: - "The Taken King's Biggest Mystery" - "...little did we know how [i]elusive[/i] the weapon would turn out to be." - " one has [i]figured out how to acquire[/i] the Sleeper Simulant." - "...the community continues to [i]search[/i]" - [b]"...the ancient artifacts trigger a memory in the ancient Exo gunsmith, and he will invite players on an odyssey to repair and reactivate..."[/b] - "...unique tasks and objectives... which might even include puzzles that are too hard for any one player to figure out on their own." - "They just don’t want to spoil any of the surprises that are [i]secreted away[/i] in the landscape." Looking back on this, I can't believe some of the things I'm reading. First of all, the [i]search[/i] was for nothing. There was no great mystery, no hidden secret. 10/7 rolled along and poof, there it was. Bungie flipped a switch and out came the quest for the Sleeper Simulant. Everyone involved in the search had wasted their time and effort. Not only that, but when we saw the quest, it was NOT what any of us expected. The first step was... awful. It made absolutely no sense from a lore standpoint, a technical standpoint, or even a gameplay standpoint. The first step was to go into Rasputin's bunker and fight off some Hive. The Hive spawned in a straight line, some taken, some not, and that was that. After killing all four waves, we got a Transceiver asking for a passcode. Now here is where thinks get weird... The passcode for this object is [i]the order in which the Hive/Taken spawn in during the battle...[/i] In what universe does that make ANY sense? Why on Earth would Rasputin, an all powerful Warmind AI, set the password that locks up one of his most powerful weapons to be the [i]spawn order of some enemies that didn't even belong there?[/i] THIS MAKES NO SENSE. As an IT professional, this infuriates me. As a gamer, this disappoints me. As a hunter for the Sleeper Simulant, this just plain confuses me. I just don't get it. Upon completing the passcode we are given the IKELOS Fusion Core which we had all been searching for. How did we even get this item? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess it was just chilling inside this little tablet because that makes sense. Now we have to take this gadget around and do some stuff with it. At least [i]some[/i] of this part makes sense. Taking it around to Warsats and collecting data was one of the things we fully expected to happen. Taking it to the Ishtar Archives was also obvious, but... WHY did we take it there? This is never explained in any capacity. I was hoping to get some links to the FWC, Dr. Shim, and the other Vex-researchers who have links to Rasputin, but nope! We got no explanation. Just go do this quest and TADA here's a blueprint, now go get your gun. After turning in the fusion orb we have to wait a day for Banshee to play with it, then he tells us to go to the SABER strike. Again, little to no explanation here. We just go do the strike, get the Sleeper Simulant (I guess it was just right there the whole time?!), and take it back to Banshee to receive the gun. That's it. Where is the mystery? Where is the hype? Where are the puzzles?! The thing with the Hive doesn't count because that was just plain stupid and it made NO sense whatsoever. Whoever thought of that should honestly be fired and sent back to school. I think the gun itself is alright, it has its niche, but this quest... [b]This quest was the biggest disappoint in any game in recent memory.[/b] I hope you do better next time Bungie, but I have my doubts.[/quote]