Yeah all ToM is going to do in Trials is basically make it like Hardcore CoD. Everyone is already going to be half dead and doing double damage, so it'll be like two shot kills for everyone. Actually sounds kind of interesting.
Oh by the way, your idea of the K/D thing is arguably one of the stupidest things I have ever read on this forum. And THAT is seriously saying something.
Of course you would think it's stupid, you have a terrible kdr.
Actually, I typically play most of my PvP on my Hunter, who has a KD over 1.0. Which isn't terrible at all. Maybe you should do the complete research before calling someone out huh? But, I would expect no less of someone that reads that much into KDRs. Just living up to expectations, good show lad.
With your crutch class you have barely over 1.0? Lol.
Thanks! You have pretty eyes too.