If you can't do the jumping puzzles or die frequently on them please comment below I'm dying to know why. Nothing is more frustrating than the one guardian all the way at the beginning of the puzzle an hour later not because he/she doesn't knowthe puzzle but purely because they can't jump.
Please share your experiences of guardians failing those jumping puzzles in your fireteam.
Im a hunter but i usually finish first because of Bones of Eao. No enemies, don't need that high light for the moment.
You know what I hate more than jumping puzzle fails? Spelling fails.
Someone needs to summon butthurt! Geez now I've heard it all lol, the things people complain about on these forums are getting more ridiculous by the day.
Usually Warlocks honestly
No answer for comic relief
I'm actually better at the jumping puzzles on my hunter than I am on my warlock haha
I play hunter and tried for a half hour before I switched to gunslinger after that made it first shot. Did it last night switched to GS and was the first across. Def seems like GS has the higher jump
It is significantly harder as a hunter but not to the point that I die
What does mastering the reload button go have to do with making your jumps ? :P
I'm a hunter and out do everyone on jumping puzzles. Git gud scrublords
Some people never played Mario Banjo kazooie Or donkey kong Some people just have to learn how jump
Full makes me want to leave its so frustrating.
People say its hard on hunter... I get it 1st try all the time with my triple jump and bones of eao.
Some people just don't get it or are challenged by it. Definately not useless. Strengths and weaknesses.
I am always always last in jumps but I'm always highest dps according to wipe stats so it evens out
I've beaten the Shadow Temple without the Lens of Truth, these jumping puzzles are nothing compared to that.
Trust me as that person we get frustrated way more than our fireteam does. I've come to terms with my vertical challenging self.
I'm no gud
This is me, no one gets as frustrated with my jumping as I do. My clan is nice enough to teabag me and laugh their asses off, so I got that going for me.
Me at jumping puzzles: Warlock: 1st attempt: dead, I've forgot that I'm playing as a warlock 2nd: done Titan: 1st: once again I've forgot what class I'm using 2nd: done Hunter: Same thing
I just did it easily on my Hunter with no prior experience, as long as you have Bones of Eao you're fine.
Can do it on any character but hunter is easiest by far for me.
Lol it's easier on my hunter than Titan or lock. Don't understand why people think hunter jumps are terrible. If you can't do jumping puzzles on any character then I don't want you on my fireteam. Plain and simple.
Wtf my first raid, i got it first try on a hunter[spoiler]can i have a cookie[/spoiler]
Its cuz they lack spacial awereness and havent played crash bandicoot
Do I have to choose just one