If you can't do the jumping puzzles or die frequently on them please comment below I'm dying to know why. Nothing is more frustrating than the one guardian all the way at the beginning of the puzzle an hour later not because he/she doesn't knowthe puzzle but purely because they can't jump.
Please share your experiences of guardians failing those jumping puzzles in your fireteam.
Are fgt
I find they're easiest with my hunter lol. Except for one of the ships after the checkpoint halfway thru the ship jumping puzzle.
Most people who struggle with jumping puzzles probably don't have a background in platforming games, Mario was a little bit before my time but I played a lot of crash bandicoot and spyro when I was younger and I can easily ace both the tombships and vog jumping puzzle first try
There are some kids who never had a childhood with platformer games... they'll never know the feeling of megaman X. It still is fun to watch them fly across the chasm though
Hunters ? How is that a option? So easy
"Usually hunters" I'm just saying if you can't do the jumping puzzle as a hunter you were probably garbage at Mario lol. Now IMO do it as a Titan is sketchy. But warlock is the easiest
I'm best at platforming on my hunter. Any class though is still easy.
There was always that one guy on VOG when we were trying to go flawless. They just kept falling off at the jumping bit. How!?!?
Hunters with their insufficient jumps or noobs. Eao helps with the hunter jump now though.
X revives... And what the hell does "rediculous" mean? It seems ridiculous.
I've been to VOG, it's nothing new.
It took me 40 mins to do the first jumping puzzle. I'm a great player in PvE and average in crucible. I've played since release release and have put in 1,000+ hours into Destiny
They are in the process of learning.
I suck at jumping......that's it!!!
Usually hunters? We're usually the best :p
Example. First time I did jumping puzzle in vog. I died twice, have never died since
Edited by TrulyDontCare: 10/8/2015 8:09:35 PMI'm a hunter and I picked "usually hunters." Even something simple like the jumping area of the dark blade strike can be annoying if you have the wrong jump selected. [spoiler]Before anybody starts with the insults, I said "annoying" not "difficult". [/spoiler] Oddly enough, with Bones of Eao, Hunters can have arguably the best jump in the game. I can't wait for them to bring those beautiful bitches back.
Hunters are best for jumping...
Edited by CaptainAlcohol: 10/8/2015 8:06:12 PMWhere's the funny option. Always get a laugh with folk getting dildo slamed of the edge etc in raid.[spoiler]i sometimes wait back from the chest door for the " I made it guys" and then shoulder charge them :)[/spoiler]
"Choke artists" who cant perform when everybody's watching.
I think it's one of the most fun parts about this raid also the second jumping puzzle is hilarious, I'm waiting at the end of it, I see a Titan coming he's like "yessss" and BOOM! He was gone in an instant I immediately laughed hysterically, I should have recorded it damn it
Warlocks without the glide speed boost
Choking because everyone is watching them and waiting for them. Yipps
Bones of Eao saved me many times in KF......that is all.
I died like 50 times figuring out VoG the first time.