If you can keep focus on the Hunter and actually have space to go it's avoidable. Shadestep is better then most give it credit for.
Yeah blink was super easy to counter to. If you had your own blink.
I counter shadestep left and right man. I also get countered when using it, mainly by shotgunw.
This doesn't change much. You could counter blink as well. I have avoided being shadesteped shotguned as well. Just can't do it every time.
Ah but it doesn't take much to counter it.
Edited by Lilrooster156: 10/9/2015 2:18:37 AMIt's about as counterable as blink is/was. Gets more difficult if you're not running a shotgun.
It's easier to counter than blink good sir. With blink the hunter or warlock is there one moment and gone the next. Shadestep on the other hand you can see where he is at and where he is going.
Edited by Lilrooster156: 10/9/2015 1:26:12 PMNo it is hard to track a shadesteping Hunter because they go invisible for a second then become visible 10 feet in whatever direction they went.
Get good. They are easy to counter.
Not easy as you think. It happened a lot when The Taken King first came out its calmed down some. Shadestep is better than you think it is. Sure it's easy to counter if you have a shotgun. Or if you see them and anticipate what they want to do. It also might be helpful if they didn't do it in close quarters. Shadestep isn't as far as Blink, it might not provide invincibility for a brief time, but it is still a great evade. It can be used aggressively if you know how obviously the Hunters I have run into do know how.