"Yeah, he's my boyfriend. And he doesn't need anybody looking out for him. Back off."
I'm not looking out for him only. The bastards shot my grapple arm. Which, to a cyborg, means war. Also, they have guns. I have some friends who need guns. Can you get your blade away from my throat now?
[b] She steps back and laughs.[/b] "You'll die. All of your friends, will die. They will kill you without a second though, and if you think you stand a chance, your more stupid Than I thought."
I know I don't stand a chance. But, I'm a good scavenger. And that etana fellow looks like he can hold his own. He kills any, we grab the armaments. In return, if he needs anything or gets in shit with the force, he has an inside man. Thing is; he doesn't know about this.
[b] She rolls her eyes.[/b] "Idiots." [b] and starts to walk away[/b]
I walk the other way, and pull a bullet from my pocket, staring at it