Hi my name is boris I'm an old Russian Titan. I've recently joined the new monarchy just reached rank five.
I've managed to get new armour all apart from my legs. Must say I'm enjoying my new hand cannon :-)
I do have a Q tho!!
How do I know what I fall into? As in justicars or executioner?? I apologise for my ignorance on this matter.
Rank 5? Hmm... Do you seek more as reclamation or interior affairs?
Sorry rank 6. Why the ? I realise it's low but I've never touched factions with my Titan before, just ran vanguard. As to your Q I'm not to sure! All I can say is I'd rather a monarchy than be led by the speaker & as far I I know you would also like to over throw the speaker.
Not overthrow. We would (by vote of the Consensus) abolish the consensus and place a true and just leader into power so the he (or she) can focus our efforts towards common goals. We have actually protected the Consensus from being overthrown in the past, and would not like to break the peace we are working so hard to maintain.
Ok I'm a simple man. So let's say I don't like the speaker, I can't trust someone that hides there face. The way I see it new monarchy doesn't like the speaker, hence the reason to VOTE him out. So with that I'll support & fight for the monarchy. My original Q how ever hasn't been answered! I'd appreciate if you could address that ty.
That is a tough question. I would have to look deeper into your role and how you have supported us to obtain your rank.
Very well. As I said I'm new so haven't done a lot yet. I wear my mark & my armour & I fight.
Ahh... you are simply a loyal Guardian willing to fight for our cause. I thank you for your support, and hope we will have your continued loyalty.
Yes I am a loyal guardian ( I stick to my guns ) ;-) You will continue to have my support & hopefully one day I'll start to climb the ranks.
I look forward to that day. I have faith in you Guardian.