Okay shoulder charge during super? Takes about a third of the super. Is also a special perk on the tree.
Titans are only the fastest if using increased control. Increase height is better. They can only go in a straight line cornering is difficult. Hunters are much better for moving quickly. So are Warlocks.
Golden Gun is a one shot. Every swing of the Arcblade is a one shot. Sunsinger melee is a one shot. Direct hit with Shadowshot is a one hit.
Trying to kill them?
Machine guns? Easy happens all the time.
Rocket Launchers? Easy happens all the time might have to use more then one rocket but that is required for Bladedancer and Sunsinger as well.
Golden Gun? If they aren't using solar armor piece it's a one hit.
Nova Bomb? Easy it's a ranged Fist of Havoc.
Fist of Havoc? Not as easy but entirely possible.
Stormcaller? Hammers are easy to evade especially when using Ionic Blink.
Shadowshot? Happens so often its not even funny. It is easy to stop a Sunbreaker using Nightstalker. If you see each other at the same time and activate at the same time. Sunbreaker gets tethered and Nightstalker usually dies leaving the Titan tethered and in a vulnerable position.
Bladedancer? In close quarters, especially if the Titan misses the Bladedancer can deal with a Sunbreaker easily. Unless it's a direct hit, which when trying to hit a blinking dashing target is not all that easy, I'd a two shot.
Snipers? Much harder a headshot and a few shots with primary will do it. Or two headshots or three body shots.
Teams hots? Happens all the time. I've done it with only one other person. So that was two people shooting the Sunbreaker and he went down without either of us dieing.
Sword wouldn't work well with a Bladedancer or a Stormcaller either. Unless using Phoenix Uppercut which I've heard works on Sunbreakers as well.
Arcblade isn't a one shot if you have any kind of shielding. That means flame shield, blessing of light, or barrier melee.
Your also not likely to win without a super in that situation anyhow. If you melee a Bladedancer and get Flame Shield you stand a good chance of winning the fight. And that's if they decide not to Razors Edge you. Challenged a Defender in His bubble has never been a good idea. Barrier melee only stays active for a short time you also need a melee kill for it to activate not just a hit. So that means you already got into a fight and have low actual health. If you come upon a Bladedancer within the amount of time that Force Barrier is still up you probably don't have full health and are likely to die.
Of course you'll lose that fight. I don't go in Wards. Smart players avoid them like the plague. Destiny isn't full of smart players though... And Barrier melee lasts between 10 and 20 seconds depending on perks and if you rock NBP. Razors Edge is extremely small and easy to strafe or full hop over, unless there's a low ceiling or you're in a tunnel, which is arcblader territory.
Most Titans don't try and avoid things while in a bubble for some reason. I've run into maybe two that have tried to get away when realizing that I was about kill them with Fist of Havoc or something else.
Bro I have a Titan and I survived a golden gun don't bs me
Bro guess what? Me too. And also guess want? There is a video in this thread somewhere where the Titan got one shot by Golden Gun because he wasn't wearing a solar armor piece.
Titans will die if they're using not maxed out armor. Having the armor gives them what they need, not the chest piece.
Both. You'll survive a Golden Gun shot if you have maxed armor speced and a armor piece. One of those missing you'll die to it because it literally leaves you with .5 HP. Sniper a Titan can survive unless it's the spear or Black spindle with max armor and no chest piece.
.5 HP is alive though, isn't it? It's not quite 0.
One thing changed in the tree or a different piece of armor and you're dead. Sunbreaker shouldn't survive a Golden Gun shot. That is not something I agree with. Which I'm pretty sure I said.