Bro guess what? Me too. And also guess want? There is a video in this thread somewhere where the Titan got one shot by Golden Gun because he wasn't wearing a solar armor piece.
Titans will die if they're using not maxed out armor. Having the armor gives them what they need, not the chest piece.
Both. You'll survive a Golden Gun shot if you have maxed armor speced and a armor piece. One of those missing you'll die to it because it literally leaves you with .5 HP. Sniper a Titan can survive unless it's the spear or Black spindle with max armor and no chest piece.
.5 HP is alive though, isn't it? It's not quite 0.
One thing changed in the tree or a different piece of armor and you're dead. Sunbreaker shouldn't survive a Golden Gun shot. That is not something I agree with. Which I'm pretty sure I said.