Whays a matter deadpool? Dont like the look of your own Daggers manifestation?
Oh.....well, your bankai I may be able to make manifest me. *She raises her dagger* But you have to earn it first. *about 500 daggers appear and yours dissappears* Find the right one before you die and you get bankai.
How could you kill me?
With [b]my[/b] dagger. *she charges you and hits your chest*
Might wanna start trying daggers. *she hits your chest again then jumps back*
[b][i][u]Starts Teleporting While Checking Daggers Super Quickly [/u][/i][/b]
[spoiler]you have to test them on Vordeishi.[/spoiler] *Vordeishi sighs and waits*
[b][i][u]Throws Dagger After Dagger At You[/u][/i][/b]
*they all break* Deadpool, at this rate you will... *she glash steps behind you* Die.... *She stabs the dagger through your spine then teleports away*
[b][i][u]Takes Dagger And Stabs You With It[/u][/i][/b]
*it breaks inside of me* Wrong. *I slash your chest* [spoiler]2 more hits and your paralyzed.[/spoiler]
[b][i][u]Stands Still And Concentrates [/u][/i][/b]
[b][i][u]Stands Still And Concentrates[/u][/i][/b]
*a certain knife catches your attention*
[b][i][u]Starts Teleporting While Checking To Make Sure You Aren't Attacking Me[/u][/i][/b]
*the knife is by your foot* Deadpool, if you dont hurry, I may have to kill you.
[b][i][u]Kicks It Between Your Eyes Faster Than You Can Blink[/u][/i][/b]
*flash steps behind you* Your gonna have to try harder and actually fight with it. *she hits your chest again then back up*
[b][i][u]Rapid Stabs You In The Chest Five Time[/u][/i][/b] The blade i kicked was a decoy You're finished [b][i][u]Kicks You Into A Tree[/u][/i][/b]
*heals* You have earned your bankai. *I pass you the blade im weilding and it groes to the size of a shortsword while retaining the original design* Next time you use it, It will call on me to join you in a fight. Have Sithis teach you more later. Bye. *Vordeishi disippears* Me:well......that was interesting.