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10/9/2015 12:37:19 AM

The Ahamkara and Auryx

I'm reading the Book of Sorrows and I came across a peculiar quote. "Reality is a fine flesh, oh general ours." As any Year 1 Veteran knows, an exotic gear set based on the mythical Ahamkara was available, and these pieces had flavor text formatted similar to this quote ([i]{varies for each}[/i], oh bearer mine). I believe that the Ahamkara is linked to these Worm Gods that made a bargain with the 3 sisters. From what I gather these Books of Sorrow are the story of these sisters, or the Hive in general, and as all Crucible enthusiasts know, Thorn's flavor text quotes the 7th Book, so this leads me to believe that Dredgen Yor is also connected to these worms, or just the Hive in general. If anyone has any other theories leave them below please.

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