[b]enters with magikarp[/b]
*plays magikarp*
[b]magikarp used splash Game over[/b]
*Sithis flash steps behind him and cuts his head off then dissappears*
*head regrows* *continues card game like nothing happened*
*Destroys your body by putting iit in lava*
*goes into body of nearby dog*
*kills it and places your soul in the void*
*finds Death and consumes his soul*
[spoiler]not death, It is Sithis's realm. And he is eternal.[/spoiler]
*respawns decades later* *respawns as Cthulhu*
*never respawns*
*asks Sithis for truce offers hand to shake*
*cuts your hand off then destroys your pokemon cards then walks away?
*hand regrows with Pokemon cards in it*