Limbos plasma shield pops up, blocking the bullet, and he drops to a laying position to dodge the punch. He then scissors her legs and makes her fall over, and then rushes Hashmael, plasma shield and sword out
Edited by BlindSwift: 10/9/2015 3:01:48 AM-Hashmael uses his laser to destoy your sheld while agains shooting you, and maria stabs you through your stomach-
The shield stays intact, blocking the bullet "Nice try, not that easy." He rushes you and tackles you, pinning your arms and legs to the ground. Limbo laughed and pointed his pistol at your forehead, and fired, knocking you out because it was a rubber bullet. Limbo stands up to confront Maria
"Right we have a word for men like you in french a scélérat" -She uses her kap to teleport and geab hashmael then teleport away-
"Was it something I said." He chuckled, and went back to gutting the deer