[b]she leads you towards city hall and out into an open area where you see a few humans standing with rifles in their hands[/b]
[Liliana]"I'll handle this"
[b]she approaches them[/b]
[Gangster 1]"well if it isn't the lead bitch herself"
[Liliana]"I just need to get through get out of my way before I make you"
[Gangster 2]"there's six of us and one of you, you don't scare us"
[Liliana]I don't want any trouble just get out of here now"
[Gangster 3]"maybe we want trouble"
[b]one of them shoves her she then grabs him by the throat and throws him then takes out her pistol and shoots him then runs for cover getting shot in the leg as she runs spilling some of her blue blood onto the ground[/b]
[b]she holds a hand over her wound[/b]
He pulls his pistol and walks towards the gangsters, firing. He takes them down one by one, each shot shaking the tunnel as it rings out.
[b]Ray runs over to help her[/b]
Using the last bullet in his mag, he eyes the last gangster and walks towards him, grabbing him by the skull. Python crushes the skull in his hands.
[b]she push Ray back.[/b] "I don't need your help"
He wipes his hand off and loads another magazine into his pistol, holstering it. He walks over to Lilian. "Are you alright? Lemme see."
[b]she stands up[/b] "I'm fine"
"Ok Wonderwoman." He chuckles a little.
"I don't know what that is" [b]she takes a step then falls again[/b] "Damnit"
"Ray, overwatch." He kneels down next to her and examines the wound.
[b]the bullet went through her leg and blue blood is spilling out of it.[/b] "Got any medigel?"
"Always do." He reaches back and produces a can of medigel he applies it to both sides of her leg. "Want a splint?"
"No it's not broken". [b]she stands up and grabs her M-8 Avenger assault rifle off of her back[/b]
"Alright. If you need to stop, just ask." He grabs his pistol and walks with it out.
[b]she keeps walking towards city hall And Ray is on overwatch[/b]
They eventually reach City Hall.
"If that's all I'm gonna go"
"Yeah, that's all. Thanks." He looks up the ladder before him. "Where does this open up at?"
"Around the back of city hall when you're done doing what you're doing come find me I'll get you back to your ship"
"Alright." He pulls his pistol and climbs the ladder with it out.
[b]she walks back the way she came and Ray climbs up with you[/b]
In the rear of city hall, they find a map and comms come back on line. Python looks over the map. "Looks like he'll be on this floor, north corner."
[Ray]"Who are we after again?"
"Iter Mantis, leader of the Del Fino corporation." He suprisingly moves swiftly through the hallways.
[b]he follows you[/b]
A guard comes around the corner and aims his rifle at Python. He rips the rifle from the guards hands and in half. Python grabs the guard and punches him, knocking him out. He puts the guard in a nearby closet.