I agree with some of your points but also disagree with some. I agree that the subclass itself is made for the super. Almost every perk involves enhancing the super in one way or another. This allows for a strong super but limits you in most gunfights.
The issue I have with HoS is the prox detonation on the hammers. It is complete shit that I can be midair and get hit with a hammer that was no where near me. I have seen hammers fly past me yet I still die. If you are going to make a super extremely powerful then it needs to have some sort of drawback. The drawback would be needing really good accuracy. People shouldn't be able to run around getting Slayer medals every single time they pop their super.
Also, Nightstalker is probably the weakest of the new classes. The fact that you can directly hit people in their supers with Shadowshot and have them walk through it is stupid. The time on Stormcaller needs a slight nerf. Transcendence should be about halfway between what it is now and what the regular drain time is. The fact that you can wipe as team twice is absurd. The damage resistance is perfect though as you still have a chance when fighting them.
My only thing is buff shadow shot anchors to deploy slightly sooner. And lower titans damage reduction while super is active. Also the proximity of hammers is pretty big. That is all.
The hammer detonation is usually due to the latest minute flight changes with the homing hammers. It's what i use and if i don't use it i find that i miss some hammers that i usually wouldn't. As for all the supers being balanced i feel like they should slightly decrease the HoS armor which i believe would fix everything or make it to where SS instantly tethers and suppresses. Both would be too much but i feel like one or the other would be perfect. As for storm caller i haven't had a problem with it so far. The only time i do is when i have teamates that run head on to a guy in storm trance and therefore chain the super to me while I'm trying to snipe him.