Hell will freeze over before the omolon Tuonela SR4 will fail you.
Hung dury is Awesome so is the SR4 I have it with firefly and hand laid stock soon to be 310 aswell.
I live the Tuonela, but yesterday at Oryx it felt like it wasn't doing any damage St all.
That's likely because you are underleveled
Edited by DisconnectedAG: 10/9/2015 1:12:04 PMGun at 294, raising at LL298
I want that Scout rifle. I have a Last Extremity with the exact same perks as yours. Yours have better base stats "overall" that suits my play style.
Firefly in underwhelming in y2. I remember decimating groups of thrall with fatebringer and watching their bodies fly off in a magical haze of electricity. :(
Yeah I have it with firefly as well, it's almost not fair