Can you ensure you're checking these exact locations please
XXIII: http://youtu.be/ca_7fjcYebU
XX: http://youtu.be/ZmB3Ur5qhnE
XVIII: http://youtu.be/LWLhu7LNWGA
Okay I guess the website and video linked wrong. they worked fine thank you
Good to hear it worked out
Okay I will look again
[u]Afterwords[/u], if they don't appear, try this if you're on Xbox one [b]While destiny is open go to settings > change profile (next to where you change character) > log out of your profile > log back in [/b] This [u]sometimes[/u] unlocks grimoire.
I did actually see the grimoire grimoire notifications when I collected them but when I look in the app, they're locked.
I 100% have them
I would recheck. A lot of videos and tracking websites are labelling them wrong.