"This deal hands over the sovereignty of our country to corporate interests"
-congressman Allan Grayson after he saw the full draft.
"Free trade" is a lie being pushed onto us by corporate interest. It's built on the premise that we assume everything will function a certain way, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Trade treaties actually supersede our own laws once they're passed, basically taking away the power not only from the people but the governments of the nations involved. It is for this reason we must ensure we protect our interests and not allow our country, our people, and our lives to be turned into a simple pawn for more profits of those who are already rich.
Instead of a massive wall of text here, [url=http://www.filmsforaction.org/articles/free-trade-explained-in-an-excellent-comic/]check out this comic[/url] that explains what we know so far about the TPP, and also puts "free trade" as close to laymen's terms as possible.
Bone up on history, learn why free trade is so important. Read about the 1929-193sumthing that made people realize why free trade had to happen.